Wednesday 24 January 2018

Making Wise Decisions When Choosing Your Keywords

The keywords chosen for a website are one of the most important decisions a website owner will make about that particular site. It is of vital importance not only to conveying the overall purpose of the website but also in gaining the recognition of Internet searches as well as the search engines that are often used to point them in the right direction. Knowing that these keywords and phrases are vitally important though does little to help you learn how to select them and incorporate them into your website.

Before you build your website you need to select the keywords you wish to promote. This means you need to have a product or overall idea in mind to promote in this beginning stage as well. Getting back to the keywords though, the first thing you need to do in order to find potentially profitable keywords for your business is learn what people are searching for. There are tools you can use to do this—many of them are available at no cost to you and some (which in all honesty are easier to use) cost money. It is up to you which one is the better solution in the beginning. Over time you may choose to find a paid service to assist you in your keyword research. Until you are turning a profit though it's a good idea to stick with free methods.

Once you've learned the terms people are searching for and how many people are searching for them it's time to do a different kind of leg work for your keyword research. It's time to check out the variations that exist on those keywords. This often requires a different service than the one you will use to see how many people are searching for popular search terms. Google has an excellent tool that is free and really good at helping you come up with phrases that have real potential.

Once you've got a few phrases on your list and you know which among these phrases people are searching for, it's time to move on to the next stage in the process. That stage is the one that involves checking out the competition. Find out how much competition various keywords have and take a look at the quality of the competition you will be facing. It's better to be a really big fish in a small pond than it is to be a little fish trying to get noticed in an ocean. In other words you want a term that is well searched but has little competition. That seems like a difficult prospect but there are a few gems remaining if you are patient enough to find them.

Taking the steps necessary to find the ideal keywords is the one thing that separates those who are going places in Internet marketing from those who are playing at making money online. Do you have what it takes to make the right decisions about keywords?

Monday 15 January 2018

How Can Tools Help You Judge the Value of Keywords?

Having the right tools is important in any job. If you want to do the job right you need to make sure you have the tools that are needed to accomplish this goal. Whether you are trying to install an air conditioner or break into the world of Internet marketing there are quite a few tools that can help you do the job better than you would be able to do it without them. Fortunately for those interested in Internet marketing as a career choice, there are plenty of great products available online to help them achieve that goal.


If you want the king of the hill among Internet marketers the general consensus is that WordTracker is that king. This is one of the most widely utilized and respected tools for keyword research online today. It has a proven track record and continues to withstand the tests of time and constantly changing algorithms by the search engines. Not only does WordTracker let you know which terms are being searched for but how often they are being searched and how many sites are currently competing with those keywords. It takes a three step process used with free methods and breaks it down to a one step approach. If your time is limited this is a service well worth paying for.


This tool is a lot like WordTracker though it hasn't quite matched its reputation just yet. Some important details you might want to know about KeywordDiscovery is that it allows you to see statistics on not only the keywords you specify but also relevant keywords—even those that are misspelled or considered fault logic keywords. It is an interesting choice if you've tried the free trial at WordTracker and decided that their program isn't for you. You can enjoy a free tour of this software to see how you like it.

Google AdWords

Google offers a tool that is designed to work with its AdWords campaigns. However, this tool is free and can be infinitely beneficial to those who are in need of a little assistance when it comes to choosing keywords or weeding out those that aren't going to be as likely to be profitable. More importantly, this nifty little tool might introduce you to keyword phrases that you would have never come up with on your own.

Once you've created a list of potential keywords it's time to move on toe creating the content for your site. Write the content for your site with the keywords in mind and be sure to use them liberally (without stuffing of course) within the text of your website. It may take a few times before you get the hang of writing for the benefit of the search engines without alienating your readers. You cannot afford to alienate your target audience because these are the people who will make the purchases that make your efforts pay off.

Things You Must Consider About Keyword Density

There will always be a wide number of questions about keyword density from new and older marketers alike. It is important that you remember to always take the advice given with a grain of salt and realize that trial and error really is the best way to work out what works and doesn't work for you. However, knowing the answers to the questions below can when the time comes to make those painful decisions that every person doing business, whether online or off, must face from time to time—the decision to keep a project going, scrap a project, or seriously overhaul the keyword efforts that are currently in place.

Can keywords be used as anchor text?

While keywords that are used as anchor text for links has little impact on the overall keyword density of the content on a website; it does offer some benefit to associate the page being linked to with those keywords. When using article marketing to bring in traffic and boost page rank, it is critical to use targeted keywords when linking from the article to the website. In order to avoid penalties for keyword stuffing it is a good idea to link similar keywords in your inbound links so that all of the incoming links are not identical.

Are keywords necessary for title tags?

This is another use of keywords that can have a major impact on how well a website ranks among various search engines. Placement is important. Put the most important keywords near the beginning. Make a concentrated effort to use variations so that you aren't using one specific word within the phrase more than three times in the entire title tag though twice should be sufficient.

Is there an order to follow?

There are wide ranging theories on this. Keep in mind that the algorithms are subject to change frequently and without warning. Search engines are making a valiant effort to encourage website creators to write for their living breathing audiences rather than for the sake of their algorithms. With this in mind it is better to use the keywords frequently enough that your audience knows the point you are trying to make but doesn't feel as though they are being overwhelmed by that point. Sprinkle the words into the article and throughout the article rather than trying to have them stuffed heavily at the top and conspicuously absent as the article continues.

Do you have to use the same phrase throughout?

It is important to note that this is changing to some degree as search engine algorithms become more sophisticated. For the time being though it is important that when optimizing for a specific keyword, that the keyword phrase is used exactly throughout the article. You can use synonyms and similar phrases for emphasis or in order to avoid keyword stuffing but should avoid using them in your calculations for keyword density.

When these questions are answered you will be better equipped to come up with a plan for keyword density within your own web pages. Always test and make changes whenever necessary to ensure that your pages are on the rise within the search engine rankings.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

How to Choose Your Keywords Carefully and Profitably

Need a little advice when it comes to choosing the right keywords? Who doesn't? Picking the right keywords is one of the biggest and best things you can do to boost your business and optimize your website for the search engines. If you optimize your site for the wrong keywords the battle is a complete waste of time, effort, money, and energy. You do not want to invest time in keywords that are not going to pay off when all is said and done.

Demystifying the Keyword Selection Process

While it may seem like a big mystery; once you learn how to choose keywords, the process becomes much easier over time. The first thing you need to determine is the type of site you are creating. Those that are database driven (or dynamic sites) can be optimized for a virtually limitless supply of keywords. If your site is a static site, which is a site that isn't driven by a database you are more limited in your options for keywords and need to be far more selective. For this reason it is better to determine the type of site you are creating before you begin the keyword selection process.

Now that you've narrowed down the type of site you can begin to select your keywords. Static sites perform better with highly targeted long tail keyword phrases and variations that include singles and plurals. Selecting one or two keyword phrases and focusing on those within a static site will pay off much better than spreading the focus between too many keywords, which could seem like stuffing to the search engines. Dynamic sites, on the other hand, are a giant buffet for keywords. You can optimize for as many keywords as you are interested in creating pages to promote them.

Brainstorm a list of potential keywords or keyword phrases based on the type of site you are creating. Once you have a list you can use the following criteria to eliminate and narrow your list.

How long is the phrase?

The longer the phrase, the more likely it will be to generate traffic that converts into sales. As long as the phrase is being searched; it can convert into sales. For this reason you should avoid creating phrases that are so long that no one is searching for them. You want phrases that are being searched so that you can get the traffic that will convert to sales. You also want phrases that have less competition.

Who will be using the phrase?

One thing you don't want to do is create a website that attracts those who are only looking for information and not looking to buy. It does little good to create a wealth of traffic if you aren't making any sales for your efforts.

When you use these ideas in your keyword strategy you should find that you are not only selecting keywords that generate traffic but also keywords that convert into sales.

How to Do Keyword Research. Your Hugely In Depth Gide SEO Success.


Developing a System for Keyword Research 

It is well worth your time and effort to develop a winning system for keyword research. One popular system that is used by many to narrow down and refine keyword research is a three-step system that involves using various online tools to assist in the process. 

The three-step process may seem complicated at first glance but is rather ingenious when it comes to developing profitable keywords within a narrowly defined niche. 

Step 1 

Use the Google Keyword Sandbox to generate keywords.

Step 2 

Enter those keywords into the SEO Book Tool for search engine marketing in order to learn how many people are searching for those keywords.

Step 3 

Search for the keywords you are considering on Google. This will give you the opportunity not only to see how many sites you will be competing against but also the chance to take a look at what the competition is offering their visitors, the products they are promoting, and whether or not you believe you can do better.

The overall goal, of course, is to have keywords that are often searched but offer less competition. This is the key to converting your traffic into sales and the goal of most Internet marketers. There are simpler methods for achieving the  same goal but most of those cost money. As far as utilizing free methods, this three step process is the best one available at the moment and easy to use once you get the hang of it. 

Even if this strategy isn't one that you are interested in implementing for your business plan you need to develop some strategy that works for you. Failing to do so will leave you without a reliable method for testing keywords, tracking the results, and discovering whether or not some keywords are performing better than others. It will also cost you a great deal of time focusing on campaigns that offer too much competition or are receiving too few searches. Either possibility results in fewer sales and far less profit.

Even after you've made the effort to find the keywords that seem perfect you need to measure your efforts carefully in order to determine which keywords are actually converting into sales. Once you find out which keywords are most profitable you can launch more campaigns that drive traffic searching for those keywords to your website(s). 

You will learn over time that those who are searching for specific keywords are more likely to convert into actual sales than those that type in others. It's important to learn to identify the buyers from the casual surfers or information seekers and learn to tailor your marketing campaigns to attract those vitally important buyers. This is something that will come in time and by paying close attention to where your keywords are leading your visitors and which keywords are taking them there. Putting the three steps mentioned above to work for you while performing keyword research is a great start.

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Finalizing Your Keyword Research

When you are putting the finishing touches on your keyword research list there are a few other things you should consider that may help you refine your focus even further. You know, all too well, that not all traffic is good traffic. The quality of the traffic you receive matters a great deal when it comes to making sales. Limiting your competition is one of the best ways to ensure that you are making the sales you've worked so hard to earn. 

Finding the right keywords makes this a lot more likely because it will not only draw in your target audience but will also limit the number of websites you are competing with. It is much easier to find your way to the top of a list that has only 5,000 competing websites than it is to work your way to the top of the search engine rankings when there are 13,000,000. You want to make sure that the pool of competition is as small as possible so that you can rise to the top rather than feeling like a fish trying to swim upstream against a Niagara Falls of competitors. 

So, how do you refine the focus and limit your competition? Instead of creating a website that is dedicated to ice cream makers, create one that is dedicated to the KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment. By making this change you are still getting a topic that is fairly well searched BUT you are also reducing the competition from 1.5 million competing sites to just over 7,000. That is a HUGE difference. Even then though there are some that will argue that is unfavorable odds for competition and will require significant effort to optimize. How much work you are willing to put into the SEO process will determine whether or not this is a good keyword choice for you.

At the end of the day, the less competition you have, the greater the likelihood that you will be able to rise to the top of the search engine rankings with consistent effort. The more competition you have, the more effort you will need to make for those favorable results.

Use keyword research tools to help you find out how well searched a term is before deciding to use it on your site. Keep in mind that seasonal keywords are seasonal. If you want an accurate idea of what to expect it is a good idea to begin researching during the “off” seasons for these search terms. You should also be aware of the possibility of defining your keywords too narrowly. The result for this would be heading to the top of the heap for keywords that get little or no traffic. 

If you have a site that offers a product or service that might appeal to local audience or international audiences be sure to include that in your optimization efforts also. For example, you could target the keyword “toys” and you would be competing with nearly 400 million websites. 

If you narrowed the focus to “toys made in America,” you would be refining your keyword competition to 13,000 sites. If you change it to “toys made in USA” you will have twice the competition of made in America but 5 times the search volume. Little things like this can make a world of difference when you are refining your keyword selection process.

50 Youtube Videos About Topic

1. - How To Do Keyword Research For Free[Super Effective Process]
2. - New Google Keyword Planner Tutorial for Keyword Research
3. - How to Do YouTube Keyword Research
4. - How to use Bing Webmaster Tools Keyword Research
5. - Search Engine Optimization Tips - Keyword Research
6. - Keyword Research | How to use Google Keyword Planner
7. - How To Do Keyword Research
8. - How to Do Video Keyword Research
9. - How to Do Keyword Research for Local Business
10. - SEO Keyword Research - The most accurate way
11. - Google Keyword Planner Tutorial for SEO - Beginners Version - Step by Step
12. - Keyword Research Tutorial and Tips
13. - Keyword Research with SEO Software Tutorial Recommended by SEO Specialists
14. - Basic Keyword Research Tutorial For Beginners Bloggers
15. - YouTube Keyword Selection Techniques and Tips, Explains Marketing By Social Media
16. - Keyword Research Tips
17. - Remember This Tip When Doing Keyword Research
18. - Keyword Research For Seo - IMeye - Revolutionary Keyword Research
19. - How to Do Keyword Research to Improve Your Online Business
20. - SEO Tips For Small Business: Keyword Research 4 Reasons To Choose The Right Keywords
21. - How to find and use keywords in your website content with Keyword Researcher
22. - How to pick the best keywords for your website
23. - Challengings Choosing App Keywords - Keyword Research for Apps
24. - D.Academy Using WordTracker for Keyword Research
25. - Keyword Research - Keyword Research Done The Right Way
26. - How to Do Competitive Keyword Research Using Source Code
27. - Keyword - How To Get Your Competitors Keywords
28. - Top Ten Tools for Competitive Research - Tool #1 - Keyword Planner
29. - How to find Competitors keywords on YouTube | Where to search Competitors keywords
30. - How To Find Out What Keywords Your Competitors Are Targeting
31. - Keyword Research Volume vs Relevance
32. - How to Use the Google Keyword Planner to Find Local Search Volume
33. - Write Tags with Google's New Keyword Research Tool [Video News]
34. - How To Use Scrapebox Keyword Scaper and Google Keyword Planner To Build A Huge List Of Keywords
35. - Finding The Best Keywords To Target and the Best Way To Do It
36. - Keyword Research How To for Bloggers
37. - Understanding keyword Research - Listing Experts Academy Training
38. - TREW Talk: How to Build a SEO Keyword Strategy
39. - Keyword Research - Step 1: Brainstorm
40. - Keyword Research - Step 2&3: Using Keywords Planner for Ideas
41. - Keyword Research - Step 4 & 5: Determine Accuracy and Volume
42. - Keyword Research - Step 6: Analyze Search Results for Competition and Accuracy
43. - Keyword Research to Help You Develop Content - with Ron Jones
44. - Local Business Marketing Keyword Research
45. - Content Marketing Tips - Keyword Research
46. - "Understand Keyword Match Types on Google Adwords" by| @Grovo
47. - Keyword Research Tips For Your Google Display Ads
48. - Google Keyword Research Tool - Quick Basic Instructions
49. - How To Find Profitable Niche Markets & Keywords
50. - Blogging Tips: How to Choose Keywords That Rank Quickly in Google Search

30 Paid Products/Offers About Topic

1.      Long Tail Pro | Keyword Research Software to Find Long Tail Keywords -
2.      Keyword Elite 2.0 Software -
3.      How To Do Keyword Research For SEO -
4.      Squid Profits: Squidoo Keyword Research Success Formula -
5.      Webinar: Ebook Keyword Research Secrets -
8.      Udemy: Keyword Research Online Course -
10. Keyword Research - How I Got 600 Daily Search Unique In 5 Months (Complete Internet Marketing) -
11. How To Do SEO Keyword Research (Smart Internet Marketing) -
12. Keyword Research Crash Course - How To Use Keywords To Generate Cash In Your Business -
15. Keyword Research Online Training with Business Catalyst SEO -
17. Keyword Research/Competitive Analysis Online Training Course Description -
18. How to Conduct Keyword Research for Online Profits (Marketing Matters) -
20. Super Suggester: Keyword Suggestion Research -
22. Keyword Ninja: Your Secret Weapon for Long Tail Keyword Domination -
23. Keyword Winner: Premium SEO Wordpress Plugin -
24. WP Keyword Boss -
25. Keyword Retriever Pro -
27. Good Keywords: Keyword & Competition Research Software -
28. Keywords Demon: Keyword Research Software -
29. Keyword Snatcher -
30. Keyword Research and Analysis (Keys to the SEO Kingdom) -

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