Thursday 22 October 2015

How Long Does Your Sales Copy Need to Be?

One question that always crops up is the one regarding the length of a piece of copy. There is really no one answer to this, it will depend on what you are selling. For example if you are selling a short 20 page report your copy will be shorter than if you are trying to sell a $50,000 sports car! So the best answer is that your copy needs to be as long as necessary to get the buyer to hit the buy button.

For this reason we often tell people to not worry about the length of your sales letter. Instead just start writing it out and see how long it turns out. You want to include certain elements and points into your sales piece.

Here’s a basic outline you might like to follow:

  1. Headline that asks a question or focuses on a specific problem.
  2. Introduction – this is where you address your reader and start focusing on their particular issue. This will be a longer portion where you can tell a story about how you overcame this problem.
  3. Starting hinting at a solution.
  4. Add bullet points about the features of the product.
  5. Introduce your solution and tell them why it is the perfect choice for them.
  6. Add any testimonials or reviews if available, this gives them proof that the product works.
  7. Now introduce the offer – this is where you add the price and statements that say something like; limited time offer, introductory pricing etc.
  8. Close your letter in the next section and outline the main benefits yet again.
  9. Add a P.S. – this section is where you say something to the effect of; you haven’t ordered yet, why not? Reinforce that the product is on a limited pricing structure. This creates a sense of urgency and entices the reader to take action.

Once you have gone through the above sections you should have all the details you need for your sales page. All that is necessary is to go back and read your copy. Ensure that your letter follows and reads just like a letter. As you read you should start to create a sense of ‘I have to buy this now’ in your reader. Don’t forget to add images of your products if possible, as this helps them identify with it.

This outline gives you the basics of what to add into your sales letter and will determine the final length.

from WordPress

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