Saturday 5 November 2016

Where to Find Amazing and Free Photos and Graphics for Your Business

Did you know its a fact that people will have over 70% more fait in your article if you publish at least one photo with it even of the photo does not particularly match the subject (of course its better if it does). 

If you have been doing business online for any time at all you will know there is a whole lot of photos and graphics your going to need . So how nice would it be if someone very kindly put together a whole bunch of links to websites where you will find some amazing photos and graphics free for your use.    

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Just imagine a laser targeted, well researched expertly written digital download product for sale on your  website that people from all around the world will be able to buy and  to from the comfort of their own homes? 

Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep. 

If you like the idea of being able to sell unlimited information products click here.

Friday 4 November 2016

Website Copywriter Tips: Web Copy Sabotage

How does your personality affect your web copy? Whether you mean to or not, your site reflects you in ways you might not notice: sometimes good, sometimes bad. While personality peccadilloes can be endearing in social situations, minor personality flaws can cause web copy sabotage.</b> So before you get out your keyboard, get out a mirror.

Why not see if any of these 3 personality traits are seeping into the design and copy of your web site?


Web Copy Sabotage #1: Insecure people create timid sites

Most people are insecure in certain situations as they vary their image to gain the favour of others. Nothing kills web copy faster than trying to be a people pleaser. Insecure people create timid sites that try to be all things to all people. Instead of declaring, “Here’s who I am,” insecure web copy tentatively pleads, “I can be whatever you want; hope you find something you like.” How forgettable and phony is that? Secure people on the other hand have learned to get real.

Some people like them; others don’t. Their web copy stands out because their authors stand up. Their web copy is memorable because it is authentic. Does your web copy take a stand or does it sit on the sidelines wanting to be liked? Is your web copy real or real phony?

Web Copy Sabotage #2: Proud people produce narcissistic sites

While timid web copy aims overly outward, narcissistic web copy looks too far in the other direction. Business owners have a justifiable pride in their business. Sorry to say this pride can lead to web copy sabotage.

Many owners lost in their delight often boast, “Look what I can do,” instead of proclaiming, “Look what you get.”

Their web copy tends to focus on features instead of real customer benefits. It highlights trained staff rather than peace of mind.

Missing are empathy and impact. Nothing kills internet rapport like a one-sided, relationship. Does your web copy brag about you or resonate with strangers?

Web Copy Sabotage #3: Anxious people make nervous sites

Nervous sites are the most common form of web copy sabotage. They don’t gaze outward or inward; they look nowhere, all hurried and patchy. The visuals are the first give-away:

  • a little red here and a dash of purple there
  • a touch of bold with a smidgen of underlining
  • a bevy of random quotations
  • a frenzy of isolated graphics

Where’s the rhyme? Where’s the reason? Where is the message? The web copy reads more like a digital ransom note than a calm presentation of a distinctive value proposition.

The sad part is this kind of web copy sabotage is that it frequently betrays an honest business person who is just not comfortable about expressing his business. This web copy unfairly depicts sleaze and incredulity.

Sometimes the anxiety is driven by a specific learning style. A number of individuals are more comfortable with trees than a forest, preferring details to the big picture. That’s too bad because site visitors usually crave the big picture before they invest their care and clicks. What image does your web copy convey – calm or chaos?

Web Copy Sabotage: What can you do about it?

So you’re not perfect. Everybody is a bit insecure, a tad proud and slightly anxious. The trick is to keep these failings from invading your web copy. So what can you do to prevent web copy sabotage?

Your human shortcomings might populate your site because you are just too close to the data to detect your demons creeping up the keyboard.

You’ve got to get some distance. First have a third party who’s not a family member play site doctor, looking for symptoms of insecurity, pride, and anxiety in your site design and copy.

There’s nothing like conducting your own foible check to be sure you parked your sabotaging issues at the curb, not in your web copy. Here are 3 questions to ask:

What exactly does my site stand for?
How do my visitors see themselves?
How have I organized my design and copy? 

If these tactics don’t help you improve your web copy, you could either see a qualified psychiatrist or hire – you know – a handy copywriter.

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Just imagine a laser targeted, well researched expertly written digital download product for sale on your  website that people from all around the world will be able to buy and  to from the comfort of their own homes? 

Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep. 

If you like the idea of being able to sell unlimited information products click here.

How to Write an Engaging Blog Post

This article will cover the basics of what it takes to write your own blog posts. With practice you can easily start finding ideas and writing your article in a very short time period. Writing is one of those skills that improve over time, so the more often you write, the better your writing skill will be.

What to Write About

This is normally the biggest issue, what topics do you write about and where can you find ideas?

To find ideas you can use things like other blogs and websites, visit forums in your niche, check out video sites and even ask your readers what topics they would like you to write about. Spend a couple of hours visiting various places online and write down what topics are being discussed.

Forums can be a huge resource. Visit ones that are related to your niche and make a note of what questions are being asked. You may notice a common theme or trend and this could become the basis for a series of articles or even a complete book.

Researching Your Topic

Depending on how in depth you want your article to be, you may want to add statistics and other relevant information. Look for trends in your niche and visit statistic sites to gain this type of information.

When quoting this type of information on your blog it is always good to reference your source. This way your readers can check the stats for themselves.

Writing Your Post

Once you know your topic you can begin to create your post. Start off with an introduction that is a couple of sentences long. You can simply tell the reader what they are going to learn in the article. Asking a question or putting a thought into the readers head is another good idea.

Your next step is to cover the main points of your topic over the course of several paragraphs. A good rule of thumb to follow is to use one paragraph per point, feature or benefit.

After this you simply write your closing paragraph. This can be a quick recap of what the article is about, another thought provoking moment, or a call to action.

The type of closing you write will depend on the purpose of your post. Is it purely informational, are you trying to promote a particular product, or are you trying to get someone to sign up to your list?

As you can see this topic could easily be expanded. This article is a very simple overview of how to get your first blog post on your website.

Do You Want to Work From Home Selling Unlimited Amounts of Digital Information Products and Keeping 100% of The Profits? 

Now You Can!

Just imagine a laser targeted, well researched expertly written digital download product for sale on your  website that people from all around the world will be able to buy and  to from the comfort of their own homes? 

Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep. 

If you like the idea of being able to sell unlimited information products click here.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Writing The Perfect Sales Letter to Skyrocket Your Sales

Before you actually write the e-book we are going to write the sales letter first. Now I suggest you write it in Microsoft Word and save it. Then we can transfer it to the main “Sales site Page” when we are designing our basic site in step 5

The main reason we are writing our sales copy before we ever write a word in our e-Book is because it hasn’t actually being created yet, which means there is absolutely no limit what you can write in your sales letter. The sales letter doesn’t fit the e-Book; it’s the other way around.

Now you can describe exactly what your e-Book will show to the potential customer. There are no restrictions on what you can write in the sales letter. When the sales letter is completed you can then incorporate all the ideas you have come up with into your e-Book

Your sales copy must do the following three things

• Get the attention of the prospects
• Communicate the benefits of the product
• Persuade the prospects into the desired action

Remember the most important part of your page design is your actual sales copy. A fancy website and graphics help but the key is in the words used

Sales letter Structure

• Header/Title
• Promises
• Testimonial
• Info product
• Benefit
• Bonuses
• Guarantee
• Summary

This is the structure that you should use for your sales copy. If you check out the best sales letter they will all follow this formula?


The main function of the header/title is to grab the reader’s attention. The header should be displayed in a large, bold font. This demands your potential customer’s attention and intrigues them to read further on. Include your logo or e-Book cover (discussed later on) close to the header. If you header is not well designed you run the risk of losing the potential customer straight away. Spend time creating your header.

A Promise

This section promises the potential customer a huge benefit which is almost too good to be true. It’s ok if it’s a bit too unbelievable the testimonials will take care of that. Here is an example of such a headline

Discover how my 5 step affiliate programme can increase your income by 10,000 a month


In this section you include testimonials that old/new customers have sent you about your product or service. You probably don’t have any customers yet so email some potential ones your e-book for free in exchange for a testimonial. When you do start selling you can always ask a new customer for one.

Now the testimonials page has assured the potential customer that you can fulfil the promises you made in your header also you have gained a bit of trust from your potential customers so anything else you say that follows the testimonials page will be taken as true. This is the reason why the testimonial is placed at the top to gain trust right away where if it was placed at the bottom after presenting some good sales copy it may be already too late.

Info and product

In this section you will give info on what your product or service is about. You should show your customers a list of problems in this area. Agree with the customers, on how frustrating these problems can be and how you, yourself dealt with these problems. The key is to show the person that you have a deep understanding in this area and you are an expert on the subject. That is very important.

Next you must introduce your product as the solution to the problem. Then you must have a proper e-Book cover design. This is crucial. Many people have never purchased an e-book so you must give them some idea what exactly they will be purchasing


This section is basically telling your potential customer of the benefits they will receive from purchasing your product. Show your potential customers the enjoyment they will get from using the product. Give them as much information on your product as you can. Use bullet points to emphasize the benefits. Put in another testimonial just to remind the person that it’s all true. Keeping their trust is highly important.


This is a powerful tactic used to increase sales. Including free bonuses with the purchase of your e-Book will increase the perceived value of the e-Book. Also a deadline on bonuses is also a good way to speed up consumer purchases. Bonuses also reduce the risk of money back returns


Offering a guarantee to your potential customers takes the risk off their shoulders. A good guarantee is the final bit in the jigsaw that will make the person finally purchase the product. The agreement is such that if the customer is not happy with their purchases then can get a full refund. You must remember that lots of your potential customers will be “first timers” therefore a guarantee puts their minds at ease. Guarantees can be 30 day, 60 day, or lifetime; however such guarantees must be backed up with an exceptional product.


This is one of the most important steps in the sales letter; this is where you close the sale. In this section you must include your most appealing benefit and finally ask for the order, because if you don’t they wont. Finally make it easier for them to order like an “order now” button shown below.

At this stage you should start to write your sales letter in Microsoft word we will concentrate on the html design and implementing the sales letter in it in section six but for now just concern yourself with writing your sales letter. To help you here are some of the web’s top e-book publishers sales sites. You can check out my own sales page at

Credit card Transactions

Finally you will need to find a credit card processor later on so your e-Books can be ordered. The one I seriously recommend is Clickbank. Ill go into them in more detail in section 6 but for now I want you to know that all these company’s, including Clickbank, have a set of rules that you must abide by to use their software. Don’t panic ill go through these rules now. Basically it involves putting a certain amount of details in your sales letter and product delivery page so you can be accepted by your credit transaction company. So here they are:

You must provide on your sales page:

• Detailed description of your product
• Buy now link
• Explain how the product will be delivered
• Mention how long the delivery will take

* remember theses are rules not suggestions

So that is everything you need to know on how to write your sales letter, hers a quick summary
We need to:

• Write the sales letter before the e-Book
• Sales letter structure must have , header, promise, Testimonial, info and product, benefit, bonuses, guarantee and summary
• You can have your sales letter made by Sales letter generator
• Certain set of rules should be included in the sales letter for the purpose of the credit card transaction company

Susan Kenyon-Harrison

Hire me as your digital marketing consultant and I can help you add a 24/7 automated sales funnel which runs like a well-oiled machine 365 days a year.

 Imagine a laser targeted, well researched expertly written digital download product for sale on your business website that people from all around the world will be able to buy and get instant access to from the comfort of their own homes?  ​

Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep you need to book your first initial consultation now

Sunday 16 October 2016

Where to Find Amazing Free Graphics For Your Business Huge Online Directory

•Starting your own business whether it be online or  offline can really eat away at your budget. Graphics are an important part of marketing and can often cost a lot more than you would think to have done by a professional. Happily there are a lot of sites where you can download high quality graphics for free .

Below you will find a huge list of the best websites to get free graphics from.


Do You Want to Work From Home Selling Unlimited Amounts of Digital Information Products and Keeping 100% of The Profits? 

Now You Can!

Just imagine a laser targeted, well researched expertly written digital download product for sale on your  website that people from all around the world will be able to buy from the comfort of their own homes? 

Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep. 

If you like the idea of being able to sell unlimited information products click here.

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