Friday 4 November 2016

How to Write an Engaging Blog Post

This article will cover the basics of what it takes to write your own blog posts. With practice you can easily start finding ideas and writing your article in a very short time period. Writing is one of those skills that improve over time, so the more often you write, the better your writing skill will be.

What to Write About

This is normally the biggest issue, what topics do you write about and where can you find ideas?

To find ideas you can use things like other blogs and websites, visit forums in your niche, check out video sites and even ask your readers what topics they would like you to write about. Spend a couple of hours visiting various places online and write down what topics are being discussed.

Forums can be a huge resource. Visit ones that are related to your niche and make a note of what questions are being asked. You may notice a common theme or trend and this could become the basis for a series of articles or even a complete book.

Researching Your Topic

Depending on how in depth you want your article to be, you may want to add statistics and other relevant information. Look for trends in your niche and visit statistic sites to gain this type of information.

When quoting this type of information on your blog it is always good to reference your source. This way your readers can check the stats for themselves.

Writing Your Post

Once you know your topic you can begin to create your post. Start off with an introduction that is a couple of sentences long. You can simply tell the reader what they are going to learn in the article. Asking a question or putting a thought into the readers head is another good idea.

Your next step is to cover the main points of your topic over the course of several paragraphs. A good rule of thumb to follow is to use one paragraph per point, feature or benefit.

After this you simply write your closing paragraph. This can be a quick recap of what the article is about, another thought provoking moment, or a call to action.

The type of closing you write will depend on the purpose of your post. Is it purely informational, are you trying to promote a particular product, or are you trying to get someone to sign up to your list?

As you can see this topic could easily be expanded. This article is a very simple overview of how to get your first blog post on your website.

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