Sunday 26 June 2016

Planning Your Info Product

So you want to create your first info product but are stuck on where to start. It will be much easier if you can create a product on a topic that you are familiar with first. Take a look at your skills and knowledge. Is there an area where people always ask for your help or advice? If so this would be a great starting point.

Once you have narrowed down your topic your next step is to perform research, and lots of it. You want to take the time to learn everything you can about this topic. Make a list of what areas you know and then see if you can expand on this.

When researching you are looking for the main problems that people are experiencing in this area. To do this visit forums, social media groups and pages and discussion boards. Make a note of what questions are being asked all the time.

As well as questions you want to see 'who' is doing the asking. This information will provide you with an insight on who your 'target market or audiences' is. You want to know their ages, what they do for a living, how much money they spend on this topic and more. Try to form a picture of this person and write down all of their traits.

Once you have all of this information you can create your info product to suit your 'target market'. This way it will be a perfect fit for them, and it will bring you in more sales.

For example instead of just creating an info product on How to Lose Weight. You can create one directed at one specific problem: How to Lose Belly Fat.

Your next step is to think about how to deliver your information. You have several options here including:

1.   Creating your own coaching program.
      Creating a set of Beginners, Novice or Advanced Guides or Reports.
3.   Setting up a membership site where the content is drip fed over a period of time.
4.   Creating how to videos.
5.   Creating ecourses that are delivered via email.

Still stuck for an idea for an info product? Try one of these:

1.   Provide in-depth reviews of a certain line of products. For example you can set up a site that reviews all the latest Smartphone's.

2.   Step by step videos on a specific topic such as exercises to flatten the stomach.
3.   Interview an expert and then turn this into an info product.

4.   Information resources are always in demand. You would simply research a topic and then provide customers with a detailed report that includes things like forums, top blogs, social media pages, affiliate programs and more. All would be based on one narrow topic.

If you take the time to plan out your info product you will find it much easier to create. As you research you assemble all of your notes into a chronological order and then just fill in the gaps.

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