Saturday 15 October 2016

Best Practices for Creating Content

Today, when it comes to creating content, you really do have plenty of choices. Content comes in different shapes and sizes, from short Tweets to longer articles. From videos to full length books. The following tips will help keep you on the right path to creating quality content, regardless of its purpose. 

1. Always research your topic and ensure that you are quoting current facts and figures. 

2. Not sure what to write about, ask your readers. You can do this by creating a quick survey or poll or by asking for feedback on your blog, or in your emails. 

3. Create content on a regular schedule. Get into the habit of writing every day, if possible. This will help hone your skills and it will make the task of writing much easier. 

4. Publish regular content to your blog. There is nothing worse than developing a good readership and then stop publishing to your blog. Your readers will disappear and you are not helping to build a brand or develop a good relationship with potential customers. 

5. Don't forget to check your Awstats or Google Analytics account to see what terms people are using to find your site. 

6. If you are writing content for your blog then include images, use bullet points, lists and leave lots of white space. Your goal is to make your content easy to read, engaging and visually appealing. 

7. Remember to share your new content across your social media sites. Publish the link to Facebook, Google+, Tweet about it and Pin any images. 

8. Don't overlook videos as a content creation method. Again people love to watch rather than read sometimes, so give them what they want. Many marketers will offer a video blog post in addition to the written one. 

9. Proof read your writing before publishing. You don't want your content to be full or errors. Try to let your material sit for one day before publishing it, if at all possible. 

10. Remember the more often you write the better your work will become. You will also find it easier to come up with content ideas and the time it takes to write a completed project will decrease. 
Use the above writing tips on a regular basis to improve all aspects of your writing. Writing is a skill that can be learnt and is not always a gift that you were born with. 

Susan Kenyon Harrison

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