Monday 31 December 2018

Your Customers are People Too Treat Them as Such

With so many business run online today, the personal touch of doing business is sometimes lost in the mix. Everyone is so accustomed to emailing, sending in support tickets or leaving messages on an automated system, that you forget that there are real people running the business.

If you can identify with this, maybe it is time to add that personal feel to your business. When was the last time you actually talked to a customer or send them a thank you note? Sometime ago I guess.
One place to start is by adding an About Page to your website and including your photograph. This immediately allows people to start connecting with you.

Your about page doesn't have to be long, but it should include a little about your background, both personal and professional. A photo of yourself or even one with your family or pet makes your site more human.

If you sell products online why not start adding something extra into your customer's receipts. This could be a link to your Facebook page or Google+ page. Encourage them to connect with you there and let you know how they liked your products.

Getting your face and name in front of your customers is important for several reasons. You want to build a base of repeat customers, but you also want your customers to refer your business to their friends. One way to encourage this is by going that extra mile.

This could be sending out a physical thank you note in the mail. Or just remembering your customer's birthdays and anniversaries. If you run a local business why not phone a customer just to say thanks?
Setting up a newsletter is another way you can connect with your customers. In addition to using this letter to inform your customers of new products and sales, you can use it in a different way.

Why not encourage your customers to send in photos of how they used your product or service. People just love to show off photos, and depending on your business, this could work extremely well for you.

Another advantage of this is that it provides you with content for your newsletter. You could set up a 'Customer of the Week' event and highlight one person each week or month.

The main thing to remember is that your customers are real people and want to be treated as such. They want to know who you are and what you do, so why not give them what they want and expand your business in the process?

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