Once you
have created your info product your next step is to get it ready for sale.
Unfortunately this is the part that has a lot of marketers being thrown for a
loop. Just how do you set up your product online, so that your customers can
purchase and download it to their computers? It's actually not as difficult as
it might sound.
Set Up Your Website
You should
already have a website, but if not, now is the time to create one. It is easy
to set up a Wordpress site with a free theme. Just search for e-commerce type
themes. These are the ones that have a store front look to them.
Having a
website provides you with a professional image and will show potential
customers that you are serious about your business.
Selling with Paypal
If you have
a Paypal account you can easily create a buy now button and add it to your
website. There is no fee to open a Paypal account and to set up your buy
buttons. When a customer does make a purchase Paypal will collect a small
portion of the fee. This is based upon your monthly transactions and the costs
are pretty minimal.
This is a
great choice if you are just selling one or two products.
Shopping Cart
If you are
planning on creating lots of info products you may want to use a shopping cart
on your website. The advantages of a shopping cart is that it allows your
customers to add a product to their online basket and continue shopping. When
they are finished they can view their basket and checkout.
advantage is that you can offer coupons to your customers. This is a great way
to run a quick sale or just offer incentives.
Some of the
most popular shopping carts are:
Commerce - this is a plugin that works on Wordpress. The basic plugin is free
and then you can buy extensions which increase the functionality of your
shopping cart.
Amember -
this is another popular shopping cart and is particularly good for membership
sites and for protecting your products download links. Amember can be
integrated into Wordpress but is not plugin. The benefit of this is that it cannot
be hacked into as easily as a Wordpress can be. It runs independently and
ensures that you won't lose your files if anything does happen to your
site. The downside is that it is not
free, but is a good choice if you want to present an easy to use download
experience for your customers.
Shopify -
is easy to use and to set up. Again it does come with fees attached to it.
Your web
hosting company may also have shopping carts that you can use to sell your info
products from. Just research what is available and try to choose a solution
that provides you with lots of room for growth.
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