Saturday 21 May 2016

Using Advertising in Email Marketing

The subject of whether or not it is acceptable to use advertising in email marketing is hotly debated with some Internet marketers being strongly in favor of placing advertisements in email marketing while others are strongly against the use of advertisements in email marketing. Still others take a more neutral stance and are not either firmly for or against the use of advertising in email marketing. This article will take a look at both sides of the argument and allow the reader to formulate his own opinions on whether or not this subject is worthwhile.

There are some Internet marketers who are strongly in favor of the use of advertisements in emails distributed for marketing purposes. Those who favor the use of advertisements view the sale of advertising space on email marketing materials such as emails or e-newsletters as a way to generate profit from the email marketing itself. They also believe this tactic puts less pressure on the Internet marketer to meet the expectations of the members of the email distribution list because the emails are already generating a profit even if they do not entice the email recipients to make a purchase.

Those who are firmly against the use of advertising in email marketing feel as though this makes the advertisements seem more like spam and less like marketing materials or useful information. Those on this side of the fence feel as though any advertisement in an email marketing campaign should be subtle advertising for the products and services offered by the distributor of the email and not advertisements for businesses who have paid for an advertising spot on the email. They believe the original emails are acceptable but additions to them are spam.

Still others are someone in between on the debate regarding whether or not advertising in email marketing is acceptable. In most cases these individuals believe it is acceptable for there to be advertising as long as it does not overshadow the original intent of the email. This middle of the road concept implies the Internet marketers are not firmly for or against the concept of placing advertisements on emails distributed fro marketing purposes.

The information in this article is rather vague by intention because it leaves more of an opportunity for the reader to form his own opinion. This is important because the subject is largely a matter of personal preference. Each reader must decide for himself whether or not he agrees with one side or the other or chooses to take a middle of the road stance. The opinions of readers of this article may be influenced by whether or not they are considered to be marketers or consumers.

This is significant because it can impact the preferences. For example consumers may be less likely to appreciate advertisements in emails intended for marketing purposes because they feel it distracts from the original products. However, marketers may be more apt to be accepting of advertising because they can understand the financial gain which is possible. When evaluating opinions about the use of advertising, it is important to note whether or not the individual offering the opinion is involved in advertising. It might be more worthwhile to seek out opinions from consumers only as they are more likely to share the beliefs of your potential customers.

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