Monday 11 July 2016

10 Ways To Profit From Online Marketing

When you think about Online Marketing, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Online Marketing are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After they decide to buy one product, offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that aren't competition. You will reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses. You can expand your product line and target other profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising and spend more money on guaranteed sales. I trust that what you've read so far has been informative. The following section should go a long way toward clearing up any uncertainty that may remain.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save revenue. You could trade e-zine ads, banners ads, links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save on employee costs, equipment costs, taxation costs, expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a high perceived value. It could be ebooks, members only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on the internet. Give away free stuff with your ad copy include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can use a free e-zine, a follow-up autoresponder, an update or reminder list, etc.

Saturday 9 July 2016

10 More Steps to Massive Internet Success

This article will teach you the basics of starting your first internet business. You'll be introduced to some very useful products and services. You can also use this as a checklist to help stay focused and make it easier to set up and improve your internet business.

1) ‘Find a Market’ - Find a market before you decide on a product. If you pick a product first then find out later there isn’t a market for it, you will have wasted a lot of time and money. So be sure to look for the market first. Also try to find an area that inspires or excites you. If you find your passion then it’ll be easier to stay motivated when building your business. Use Google to search different keywords. Try searching with Yahoo to see what else is selling. Check eBay for all their different categories. And use ClickBank to look for interesting markets. When you locate a market and find out what people want, all you’ll have to do is sell it to them. After your first internet project is up and running, and is profitable, then you may want to start looking for your next market. Remember it's very easy to jump from one project to the next before the first one is finished. So try to find a market or project that you really like and stay with it until its making money.

2) ‘Find a Product’ - After finding a market you’ll need to find a product to sell. You could search the internet to see what other people are selling to get some ideas. Or buy resale rights to a product. Maybe you can sell an affiliate product. Remember you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Find a product someone else is selling and make it a little better, different, lower in price, or add a bonus whenever someone buys from you. If you choose to sell digital products you will find many extra benefits such as: no shipping or handling, low start up cost, your profit margin will be close to 100%, your customer will get their product right away. And a lot of it can be set up automatically so there’s less work for you. Make sure to take full advantage of the automation possibilities of the internet.

3) ‘Get a Domain Name’ - You’ll want to have your own domain name. Try to think of a few different names because your first choices may not be available. Choose a short name and it will be easier for people to remember. If possible get domain names ending with .com or You should also try to get a name to match your product. And maybe use keywords in your domain name to get a better listing on search engines.

4) ‘Hosting Companies’ - The purpose of hosting company is to keep your website running properly. They will make sure everything is working properly so your customers can navigate through it and buy your product or service. This is a very important responsibility. If your website isn’t working properly or not at all then you are losing money. You may find some free hosting companies, but you really do get what you pay for. So it may be better to use a paid hosting company.

5) ‘Create a Website’ - Create a website so your customers can buy your products 24 hour a day. You will be competing with lots of other website's so try to make yours unique. If your site takes a long time to download your potential customers will go somewhere else. Graphics are nice to look at but slow to download so have more text and less graphic. Remember its words that sell products. To get ideas for you website search the web and look for sites that you like. Make sure your website is easy to navigate. And if you are short on time and have the money you could hire a professional to build your site. Or if you want to save money you could do it yourself.

6) ‘Payment Processor’- To collect money for your products you will need a payment processor. Make sure that you accept credit cards because most transactions will be made with them. You should also consider other options as well, like accepting cheques and postal orders. And you may want to use PayPal. The more ways you can collect money the more sales you’ll make. And if you’re selling a digital product you may want to use ClickBank.

7) ‘Auto Responder’ - If you want to make your internet business easier, then you’ll want to automate as much as possible by using auto responders. You can automate a lot of your every day business tasks leaving more time for you to concentrate on more important things. Here are a few examples: send out email advertisements to everyone on your list at predetermined intervals. Automate the delivery of several different mini courses all at once. Send out sequential emails automatically whenever someone buys one of your products. Have all of your digital products sent out automatically. And with auto responders you can collect names and email addresses and add them to your list of customers and much, much more.

8) ‘Free Advertising’ - This may be a good way to start out if you are limited on funds. But this will be slower than paid advertising and will take a lot more time. And time is money so figure out how much you’re worth and monitor your time. If you are spending a lot of time with free advertising and not getting the results you like, then you may want to try something else. Keep in mind when using free advertising someone else may also place their ad with yours and this is not very professional. Also when you join these free advertising lists it usually means everyone on that list can send free advertising to you. So you may get a lot of unwanted emails.

9) ‘Paid Advertising’ - You may get better results with paid advertising. And at first you may think blasting your ad to as many people as possible will make you the most money. But this really isn’t a good idea for a couple of reasons. First a lot of people won’t have an interest in your product so they’ll probably not even read your ad. And second you may be accused of spamming which is something you never want to do. So always try placing ads with your specific targeted group. And always test your results to make sure that its cost efficient.

10) ‘Collect a List’ - This gets 5 stars. Start collecting your list of names and email addresses as soon as possible, add to your list often, and cherish your list because it will make you money over and over again. Whenever you need extra money you can send an email promoting a product to your list. So you’ll want to collect names and emails addresses by offering free e-books or a mini course, by having them join your newsletter and of course whenever they buy your great product.

And remember to always invest in yourself. Invest your money for quality information that will help expand your business, and invest your time to thoroughly read the information.

The Hidden Secrets of Perfect Sales Copy.

We are living in an e-age where everybody wants to sale their product or
services through Internet. In the physical world your interacting behavior and
friendly relationship can create a better avenue for selling your products. Your
face to face interaction can completely convince an individual to buy your 

But in the internet world everything is different. You just get 10 seconds to grab a visitor's attention who may turn into your customers. Your only way of 
interaction with your customers is your sales copy. So it must be a copy which really generates sales. It's not an easy task to make your visitor pull out their credit cards out of their pocket.

Are you also thinking of selling your products or services on net? Well it’s a great decision. Now what points you should consider when creating a sales copy for your product or services. Here it is:

1. Head line:
Head line is most important part of your web copy. In fact a great headline is 
90% success of your sales page. When somebody comes to your site, usually 
you have only 10 seconds to grab his attention. Most people will make a decision about reading your sales page in less than 10 seconds. If your headline is compelling enough to grab your visitor’s attention they will stay otherwise they will go to other website.
>> Tell about the biggest benefit of your product in headline.
>> Create some serious problem and tell your visitors that you can solve their problem.
>> Show specific results of using your product in your headline. Like if you are selling a book about dog training, tell them that in next 15 days your dog  will follow all your instructions.
>> Use attention grabbing words in your headline like Free, Save, Guaranteed.
Many big copywriters say that headlines can increase response rate by up to 

2. Sub Headline: 
A sub head line gives you one more opportunity to grab your visitor’s attention and pursue them to read your sales page. Highlights your product’s benefits again and create a feeling of urgency in your sub headline so it encourages your visitor to read your sales page.

3. Bulleted Points:
In today's world everybody is very busy and always in hurry. Usually your visitors first quickly skim your webpage to know what’s in it for them. Bulleted points always grab attention because it’s easy to read. So always tell your product’s benefits through bulleted points. Remember bulleted points just act like bullet and triggers a human mind.
A bit of suggestion: always convert your products features into its benefits.

4. Credibility:
It's also a key point of a successful web copy. Your customer must feel that it's not just a sales copy. A real person is sitting behind it. You should put your photo, your full contact details (not just email, full physical address and phone number) in your sales copy.
Testimonials are one of the best ways to build credibility but it should be real not  fake. Many people think that they can fool their visitors by placing fake 
testimonials but I want to make you clear that whatever you think about your 
visitors, your sales page reflect that.
A strong Guarantee is also essential to build your credibility. You may also place an audio or video message to give them a sense of belonging and a kindly feeling.

5. Bonuses:
It's a human psychology to aspire to get one or more thing free with the 
product. Offer them some bonuses related to the product you are offering. If you are selling dog training book, you may offer a dog food recipes ebook or a dog health checkup guide. 
Try to feel them that the bonuses you are offering are worth more than the price they are paying. It’s a good idea to offer digital products as bonus because you have to invest only once to create them and delivery cost is also zero.

6. Sense of Urgency:
You must create a sense of urgency in your sales page. Make them realize that once they lose this offer they will never get it again. Give them an extra price discount, more bonuses, or any lucrative offers which make them buy. You can also offer personal email consultation if they buy within a time frame.

7. Ask for order:
Many people make a great mistake in their sales letter. They write a wonderful sales letter but never ask for order. In the sales letter make it a key point that you are here to sell your product. So ask your visitors to place an order in clear words. It is a must to call them again and again to buy your products on a single sales page.

8. P.S. Lines:
Life goes busy and no one have a spare time to even read your sales copy. 
Sometimes they just see your headline and your P.S. Lines. Top copywriters 
believe that 9% success of a sales letter depends on P.S. lines. Make it strong and compelling. Pinpoint your product's benefits, bonuses and any special offer you are offering.

These are some points for a perfect sales copy. If you follow these simple points, your dream of having a long queue of customers eager to buy your products will get true.

You can learn how to set up and launch your very own digital information product business and join the successful internet millionaires who are raking in the cash every single day without having to store one single bit of stock while keeping 100% of the profits with The Automated Money Maker e-Course

This e-course is usually $97 but for a limited time only the celebrate the launch of
The Automated Money Maker I am offering it for an incredible $47 for a very limited time only.
Get Your Place Now!

Why Should You Protect Your eBook?

With so many people beginning to realize the value in writing and creating an eBook, there comes along another kind of person…the eBook pirate! They, too, see the value behind eBooks and the income potential, but they also know that most eBook writers have one fatal flaw.

They don’t protect their eBooks from theft!

Imagine you are walking around town pulling a small wagon. This is no ordinary wagon, but it is a wagon filled with gold coins! Everyone notices you and wants to talk to you, take their picture with you, and so on. Most people just marvel at your boldness to walk around like you do. You had to work hard to get all these coins and you want to show them to everyone.

Well, every so often, when you don’t realize it, someone takes a handful of coins. It’s only a little at a time, so you barely even notice, and even when you do, you don’t think much of it because there’s still so much more left.

At the end of the day, to your dismay, you look back and see that only a few coins are left!! You’ve been getting ripped off all day long and, now, what you had worked so hard for is gone! To make matters worse, you see lots of other people with their own wagons, pulling along their gold coins!

This is what happens when you don’t protect your eBook. Did you know that when you write an eBook it is your copyrighted property and no one can take it legally? But people do it all the time. If you just publish your eBook in a MS Word file or even a PDF file, you are like the poor fellow and his wagon of gold. People can take info from these files and turn around and pretend it belongs to them!

Now, what if this wagon-puller had an attack dog with him that prevented people from stealing his gold? Do you think anyone in their right mind would take any? Well, a few might try, but they’d soon realize that there is no point. The pain outweighs the gain.

The same goes for eBooks. Find a way to protect your eBooks and you’ll stop getting ripped off by eBook thieves!

How To Get More People To Notice Your Advertising

HEADLINES are one of your biggest weapons for getting MORE PEOPLE TO NOTICE YOUR ADVERTISING, for whatever medium you choose to use.  Now you are using headlines, aren't you?  And NOT your logo - that's not a headline.  Only one person cares about your logo, AND THAT'S YOU.

Whereas a headline is something every single one of your prospects will be glued to like a kid on a cartoon.  Whatever you're writing, you've GOTTA HAVE A HEADLINE.  But here's the deal, there a are good headlines and bad headlines, so I'm going to give you an absolute killer template headline that you should use THIS WEEK in your business.

Remember, a headline's goal is to do one thing only - STOP YOUR PROSPECT IN THEIR TRACKS AND LOCK THEM ONTO YOUR AD, and some people say you only have 1.5 seconds to catch their attention, so you need to make it good!

Master copywriter David Ogilvy has said... "On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.  When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar."  So if you're using your own logo at the top of your ad, you could improve your response IMMEDIATELY, just by sticking ANY kind of headline up instead!

So would you like to know one of the great secrets for writing headlines that literally slap your prospect in the face and demand they open their wallet?Good, well here it is for you... MODEL HEADLINES THAT ALREADY WORK!!
Don't try and reinvent the wheel, the best way to come up with fantastic headlines is to take what already works, and adapt it to your own business.Isn't that simple?

Here's an absolute knock-'em-dead blockbuster template for a headline:

Don't pay another phone bill until you read this...

Don't buy any makeup products until you read this...

Don't run another ad until you read this...

Do you see how powerful this is?  And I've shown you 3 different versions, so all you have to do is apply it to your own business and you could easily double or even triple your responses!  How about these headlines:

Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Money?

Do You Make These Mistakes Playing Golf?

Do You Make These Mistakes In Bed?

Do You Make These Mistakes Baking Cakes?

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea.  This particular headline works on your curiosity.  It gets the reader to say to themself, "maybe I'd better read on and find out."  The main thing you really want your headline to do is to get your reader to be interested enough to see what else you've got to say.  MAKE AN IMPACT!  Remember the old saying 'first impressions last'?  Well that saying still applies today.

And now that we are bombarded with up to 5,000 advertising messages each day, it is more important than ever to stand out and BE NOTICED!  If you have a headline that literally screams out, READ ME, then you'll be more than half way to having an effective advertising campaign that starts making profits for your business!  Remember the 80 cents out of each advertising dollar?  Well now you know how to focus your efforts to have the maximum impact!

You can learn how to set up and launch your very own digital information product business and join the successful internet millionaires who are raking in the cash every single day without having to store one single bit of stock while keeping 100% of the profits with The Automated Money Maker e-Course

This e-course is usually $97 but for a limited time only the celebrate the launch of
The Automated Money Maker I am offering it for an incredible $47 for a very limited time only.
Get Your Place Now!

Why Should You Write An eBook?

The fact is that this is the perfect time to write an ebook. What the publishing industry needs are people who can tap into the world as it is today – innovative thinkers who can make the leap into the new millennium and figure out how to solve old problems in a new way. Ebooks are a new and powerful tool for original thinkers with fresh ideas to disseminate information to the millions of people who are struggling to figure
out how to do a plethora of different things.

Let's say you already have a brilliant idea, and the knowledge to back it up that will enable you to write an exceptional ebook. You may be sitting at your computer staring at a blank screen wondering, "Why?” Why should I go through all the trouble of writing my ebook when it's so impossible to get anything published these days?

Well, let me assure you that publishing an ebook is entirely different than publishing a book in print. Let's look at the specifics of how the print and cyber publishing industry differ, and the many reasons why you should take the plunge and get your fingers tapping across those keyboards!

Submitting a print book to conventional publishing houses or to agents is similar to wearing a hair shirt 24/7. No matter how good your book actually is, or how many critique services and mentor writers have told you that "you've got what it takes," your submitted manuscript keeps coming back to you as if it is a boomerang instead of a valuable mine of information.

Perhaps, in desperation, you've checked out self-publishing and found out just how expensive a venture it can be. Most "vanity presses" require minimal print runs of at least 500 copies, and even that amount will cost you thousands of dollars. Some presses' minimal run starts at 1,000 to 2,000 copies. And that's just for the printing and binding. Add in distribution, shipping, and promotional costs and - well, you do the math. Even if you wanted to go this route, you may not have that kind of money to risk.

Let's say you already have an Internet business with a quality website and a quality product. An ebook is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business while educating people with the knowledge you already possess as a business owner of a specific product or service.

For example, let's say that you've spent the last twenty-five years growing and training bonsai trees, and now you're ready to share your knowledge and experience. An ebook is the perfect way to reach the largest audience of bonsai enthusiasts.

Ebooks will not only promote your business - they will help you make a name for yourself and your company, and establish you as an expert in your field. You may even find that you have enough to say to warrant a series of ebooks. Specific businesses are complicated and often require the different aspects to be divided in order for the reader to get the full story.

Perhaps your goals are more finely tuned in terms of the ebook scene. You may want to build a whole business around writing and publishing ebooks. Essentially, you want to start an e-business. You are thinking of setting up a website to promote and market your ebooks. Maybe you're even thinking of producing an ezine.

One of the most prevalent reasons people read ebooks is to find information about how to turn their Internet businesses into a profit-making machine. And these people are looking to the writers of ebooks to provide them with new ideas and strategies because writers of ebooks are usually people who understand the new cyberspace world we now live in. Ebook writers are experts in Internet marketing campaigns and the strategies of promoting and distributing ebooks. The cyberspace community needs its ebooks to be successful so that more and more ebooks will be written.

You may want to create affiliate programs that will also market your ebook. Affiliates can be people or businesses worldwide that will all be working to sell your ebooks. Think about this? Do you see a formula for success here?

Figure out what your subject matter is, and then narrow it down. Your goal is to aim for specificity. Research what's out there already, and try to find a void that your ebook might fill.

What about an ebook about a wedding cake business? Or an ebook about caring for elderly pets? How about the fine points of collecting ancient pottery?

You don't have to have three masters degrees to write about your subject. People need advice that is easy to read and easily understood. Parents need advice for dealing with their teenagers. College students need to learn good study skills - quickly. The possibilities are endless.

After you've written your ebook

Getting your ebook out is going to be your focus once you've finished writing it, just as it is with print books. People will hesitate to buy any book from an author they've never heard of. Wouldn't you?

The answer is simple: give it away! You will see profits in the form of promoting your own business and getting your name out. You will find affiliates who will ask you to place their links within your ebook, and these affiliates will in turn go out and make your name known. Almost every single famous ebook author has started out this way.

Another powerful tool to attract people to your ebook is to make it interactive. Invent something for them to do within the book rather than just producing pages that contain static text. Let your readers fill out questionnaires, forms, even crossword puzzles geared to testing their knowledge on a particular subject. Have your readers hit a link that will allow them to recommend your book to their friends and associates.
Or include an actual order form so at the end of their reading journey, they can eagerly buy your product.

When people interact with books, they become a part of the world of that book. The fact is just as true for books in print as it is for ebooks.

That's why ebooks are so essential. Not only do they provide a forum for people to learn and make sense of their own thoughts, but they can also serve to promote your business at the same time.

You can learn how to set up and launch your very own digital information product and join the successful internet millionaires who are raking in the cash every single day without having to store one single bit of stock and keeping 100% of the profits with The Automated Money Maker e-Course

This e-course is usually $97 but for a limited time only the celebrate the launch of
The Automated Money Maker I am offering it for an incredible $47 for a very limited time only.
Get Your Place Now!

The Real Secret to Earning Serious Cash selling eBooks

The ebook market is hands-down one of the most profitable market to enter. Think about it - NO inventory, NO shipping, INSTANT deliveries and so many other advantages makes this industry one of the fastest growing markets available.

So what is the problem? The problem is that many of the businesses in the ebook market have ecommerce websites which sell a wide range of these ebooks. Many of these ebooks are old and out of date and to compensate for this problem, the ebooks are sold at low prices. To successfully compete, new businesses must sell these same ebooks at even lower prices and will therefore make little money. The best marketing tip is to start an ecommerce niche ebook business. This will help to differentiate your business from the other ones in the market.

What is a niche?

A niche is a small, specialised area within a market. The main thing to remember when starting your niche ebook business is to target a narrow customer base because this is your key to success. The idea here is to find a niche and then you either buy or create ebooks related to that niche area. For example, you could be a stay-at-home mom looking to start a home business. A good niche idea would be to start a business selling ebooks about babies. You could write your own ebooks or buy best-selling ebooks about babies and sell them to new mothers online. Narrowing the ebook market in this way will make you seem more of an expert in your field.

Once you have a list of possible niche ideas, you should do a lot of research. This is important even if you don’t intend to write your own ebook because you will need to understand your market in order to successfully promote your business. Great places to gather information are online forums and websites related to your niche idea and ask questions about your niche idea. Find articles and other ebooks related to your topic. Research, Research and Research all ideas.

The next step is to narrow the list down to the ones you have enough information on. You must now determine whether there is actually a market for your chosem ideas i.e. whether there is enough customer demand. If you are starting a profit-making business you need enough people to buy your product so that you can make a profit. A great online resource to use is Nichebot ( This online keyword tool is great for helping to find out how many people are particularly interested in a particular keyword or keyphrase. You enter your keyword or keyphrase and you will get a list of related terms people searched for in the last month. As part of the results, you will also get the number of times people searched for your term and the related terms. This can be taken as a measure of demand.

You then need to determine the level of supply in the market. You do this by going to a search engine such as and entering any of your keywords which had high demand. The number of search results found should be taken as supply. You should try to focus on niches which have relatively low supply. But, one important point to remember here is that some competition is good. Competition means that profit exists within that niche otherwise there would be no businesses operating there. Furthermore, competition means that there will be partners around for you to use in affiliate and joint venture programs. Also, you will be able to advertise on their sites and forums to seek traffic to your site. So supply should be low but it should not be non-existent. It should be low relative to consumer demand.

The niche idea which has relatively high customer demand and relatively low supply should be your new niche. U can now start writing your ebook. Once this is done, develop your website. If you are a beginner and you don’t know how to do this then go to

Many of these steps to building a successful niche business such as research and web building, if done probably, can take a long time to do. So why not go to to find some quality ready made niche ebook packages. These packages also include free templates that you could use to sell the ebooks.

Once you start selling and gaining some revenue, you can then start writing and publishing your own ebooks. You can develop your niche business even further by joining affiliate programs and joint venture schemes to sell other peoples products. You can establish your business so that when anybody wants some information from your niche market they would think about you first.

You can learn how to set up and launch your very own digital information product and join the successful internet millionaires who are raking in the cash every single day without having to store one single bit of stock and keeping 100% of the profits with The Automated Money Maker e-Course

This e-course is usually $97 but for a limited time only the celebrate the launch of
The Automated Money Maker I am offering it for an incredible $47 for a very limited time only.
Get Your Place Now!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

10 Ways to Advertise Online (And Where You Can Get Started)

Most business owners fully understand that not advertising is the surest way to kill your business.

However they are also bombarded by so much information and so many choices they quickly lose track of what options are available to them.

There are a number of cheap and easy online advertising options available to you.

 1. Ezine Advertising

Ezine advertising is one of the best ways to reach your future customers because it is often inexpensive and flexible as well as offering you the option to match the ezine audience with your product and ad. It also often offers a double benefit--your initial ad plus longevity in the ezine archives.

 2. Text Links

This simple tool is often overlooked by many. It is simply one of the least expensive and yet most powerful advertising option available. You can often buy text links for under $10 and the link will not only promote the specific site or page you choose but also connect it with the specific key words that will benefit you the most.

Text links also provide a double bonus. You can attract immediate traffic from the host site as well as achieve better search engine ranking which will further increase traffic.

 3. Pay Per Click Advertising

Just like it sounds pay per click advertising is simply paying for specifically targeted traffic. You can monitor and control these advertising programs very closely and tweak your ad copy and the key words that you are sponsoring. This can be a very expensive option but doesn't have to be if you plan carefully and watch closely.

 4. Email Marketing

Despite ever-increasing vigilant attempts to stop spam, we all know that email marketing is still alive and well. While it is foolish in the extreme to risk your business, web host, or internet connection, by sending out spam you can still use email marketing as a way to reach out and touch your customers and your future customers.

You just need to make sure that no one receives mail except the people who ask for it. People are still willing to sign up for mailing lists--especially if you have something to offer them in return for sharing their email address. Sponsor a contest; give away an article, ebook, or tutorial; or offer a discount and you will have people sign up willingly.

Then if you don't abuse the mailing list you will have the opportunity to reach them again and again!

5. Banner Ads

Banner ads have a bad reputation. In part because of the proliferation of banner farms that killed all the banner swap programs (or at least made them completely ineffectual). Also we all have memories of those hideous banners flashing across the top of so many web sites.

Banners have come along way since then and a cleverly designed banner can be a real asset to any advertising campaign. Also don't forget that you don't have to use one of those big giant banners that span the width of the screen. You can use smaller simple ads that can fit easily into the sidebar or special box on a web site so they can suit the design and work more effectively.

It is also important that you pay close attention to what sites you will choose for displaying your banner. IE. A site about web development for your web hosting service ad or a site about parenting for your ad promoting your potty training book.

Many text link and pay per click advertising vendors also offer the option of banner ads. Similarly many ezine and newsletter publishers sell space on their sites.

 Sell Your Knowledge

These next five advertising methods are all free or relatively inexpensive because you are trading something of value -- your knowledge and expertise -- in return for advertising.

 6. Publish a Newsletter

Creating your own regular newsletter or ezine offers you all the advantages of ezine advertising and email marketing offered above.

7. Publish a Blog and RSS Feed

While publishing a newsletter or ezine isn't that difficult it is much easier to create a blog and make its content available via RSS feed. This can offer you the benefits of regularly updated material for your web site which will be attractive to visitors and search engines alike. It will also help establish you as an expert in your field.

I personally like using WordPress on your own site but many web hosts now offer blogging services and there are many free blogging sites around where you can create a blog on their site.

 8. Write Articles

Take some of the material you have generated for your newsletter and/or blog and share it with others. Make it available in one of the many free content directories available on the web. This not only helps to establish your credibility but the contact info you provide in your resource box (which will run every time someone else publishes your material) will bring in both direct traffic as well as search engine attention.

9. Create an Ebook

Once you have enough material generated from your newsletter and blog then you can package it into a convenient Ebook and give it away. Make sure to collect names and email addresses and offer a coupon or discount to bring people back to your site!

10. Post in Forums

If you have the time you should start your own forum but even if you only have a few minutes a week to spare for this effort then it can be well worth the effort. Don't offer blatant spam posts but find a forum where you have something to offer. Make sure that you include an appropriate url and description for your forum signature and you will attract the double benefit of traffic and search engine attention!

No successful advertising campaign embraces one single method of advertising and no single method of advertising works for everyone. Advertising cannot be treated as a one-size-fits all proposition. However you know what your business needs and can offer--mix and match methods and make sure to track your results--to optimize your choices.

Writing An Ebook – Learning Step By Step

They say the best way to making money on the Internet, is to create your own Ebook. Wow! That’s a simple statement, but – do you know what is involved.  I’ll try to explain what I have learned and I am learning while I’m creating my own Ebook.


If you know what you want to create, you’ve already on your way.  But, if you’re not sure what information you have stored in your years of living – well, it can be difficult.

I’ve found the best way to brainstorm is to write your ideas, experiences and knowledge down on a piece of paper – then do research to determine what people are looking for on the net.


To determine if your product, idea, or info-knowledge will fly you must do research. Go to Wordtracker or Overture and see how many times people in the month were looking for what you want to write about.

This will give you an idea if it is a viable product.  Also do a straight search in Google and Yahoo for your keywords, and see what turns up.  Investigate some of the sites, you may be surprised that you have a completely slant on the information you want to present in an E-book – which is a good thing.


If you think your ebook may fly, then it is time to write. Create it in html or a txt format, using Word or Notepad.  Then download Gymnast – it’s free (you can find it on my site -- go to the tools sections, and look under Promote tool.
This will create your ebook.  But – before you pull it into a PDF, be sure to proofread your material.

Next, you can create an Ebook cover.  Yes, I know, you’re on a tight budget, so . . .
look to -- they have some free ebook covers that you can choose from, and an on-line tool in which you can add the title of the book onto the Ebook cover.

If you don’t find these free ebook covers to your liking then you can purchase software to create your own ebook cover or pay someone else to do it for you. Once you have your ebook completed, it is time to get it out to the masses.

I would suggest submitting your ebook to Clickbank or Payloadz.  However, if this is your first ebook, I would strongly suggest that you give Payloadz a closer look.  From my own research – it is reasonable, you upload your ebook to their server (which eliminates your need to make your ebook available to the customer), and the payment goes through your Paypal account.

As to promotion, I will leave that to you to research take a good look around this blog there is oodles of information on digital marketing promotion methods.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

How To Get More People To Read Your Ad Til The End

Obviously, if you're paying to advertise your business, you want people to read your whole ad, so they know what you're offering and can make an informed decision about whether to do business with you, don't you?  Here's a few ideas you can use in your advertising to keep your reader interested:-  conversational short sentences, subheadings, break up long text into short paragraphs, using bullets to speed the reader through your copy, problem-solving copy the reader identifies with, talking in "What's in it for me?" terms, educational copy, and not revealing price til the end.

Firstly, you need to be aware of the WIIFM (what's in it for me) concept.  What that means is you need to constantly tell your customer what's in your ad for them, because if they're reading your ad it's only to find out something that they want to know about.  YOUR ADS NEED TO BE THE ONES THAT REWARD THEM (while your competitors' BORE them).  This also means you should understand the difference between benefits and features.

Let's say you sell a colour TV with a 90" screen - that's the feature.  But the benefit of this is that the screen is so big that it makes your lounge room feel like a cinema!  That's the benefit, ok?  Let me now introduce you to two powerful words which will automatically suck out the benefit of any feature;


In the example above, in order to put it into WIIFM terms, you could put it together like this -  "This sensational TV has a whopping 90" screen, which means you can virtually turn your lounge room into a cinema!".

Another powerful tool you can use in your copy is bullets.  Why?  Because you can package up your most exciting and riveting benefits into short little bursts.  In fact, the effect of bullet after bullet of really amazing benefits can actually cause nervous tension in your reader.  They can get so excited that they literally can't read any more and go straight to the ordering details.  That's how powerful they are!

Here are some examples of how intriguing bullets can be in your advertising (then you can just adapt them to your own business)

* Why the advertising you're probably running right now is wasting you thousands of dollars, and what you need to do to turn that loss into cash

* How to get movie and TV stars to help you sell your product or service

* How to get hundreds of prospects to seek YOU out

* The one mistake 99% of businesses make which loses them tons of credibility... and thousands of dollars in sales

* The secret about human nature which expert salespeople use to make their fortune

* 11 simple ways to make your business the "king" of your industry

In fact, each bullet point you write in your advertising should be just like mini headlines that promise something of value to the reader.  You might have 25 or 50 bullet points in a long sales letter, if each of them are like a mini headline, then you may only need one to stand out to your reader and make them say "Yes, I need to know more about this!"

And this is also where educational copy comes in.  You can't assume that people know as much about your business as you do.  You work in it every day, and possibly been doing it for years, and often you can get frustrated because you don't think your customers respect your value.  But the reality is, THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR VALUE.

So you need to educate them about the value you offer.  If you tell them something about your company, then your job is to explain why that's important for them.  Let's say you sell an expensive mountain bike, for example.  In order to get people to buy the bike you've got to justify why they should spend $2000 on your bike.  You've got to tell them the reasons why, which is what educational copy is all about.

Like that the bike has better suspension to handle rough terrain, a comfy seat that you could ride the bike for hours without getting sore, and maybe it has 50 gears for easy riding, and a GPS so you never get lost.  These are all just examples of course, but notice how it's talking mainly in benefits to the reader, how it will help them!

10 Extremely Powerful List Building Techniques

The lifeblood of any Internet marketer is their list. If you have an opt in email list then you are sitting on piles of cash, if you properly use your list then your earning potential is very high.

As many people ask "How do I build a list?" the following points describes some of the best ways for building your email list.

1) Newsletter / E-zine

We are in the Information Age and so people are desperate for information. Everyone is so busy with their lives they don’t have time to find the information for themselves. Publish a newsletter in your niche that is full of valuable content and you will get people flocking to you to sign up.

2) E-Courses

People are hungry for information, so a free e-course will persuade people to part with their email address. Create at least a seven part course that is delivered every few days into their inbox. Of course, the e-course also subtly sells your product!

3) Articles

Write articles and distribute them to article directories. Include your newsletter sign up in the resource box and if you have provided good quality content, you will get the visitors who will sign up to learn more.

4) Free Books

A free e-book is an excellent way to build your list. It doesn’t have to be an epic tome, just valuable information that people will exchange their email address for. You can write one yourself or get one ghostwritten for you. Make sure though that it is information that your visitors will want to have, and make sure you have included links to your products and sites in the book. You can also include affiliate links to further maximise your earnings.

5) Free Membership Site

Creating a free membership site is an excellent way to get people’s email addresses. Offer valuable content for free but only to signed up members. You can then upsell them other products or other levels of membership with more products and more resources available to them.

6) Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a pre-sales letter page where you capture a person’s email address before they move on to view your sales letter. This is reportedly very effective and you can also personalise the sales letter with their name or other details from the squeeze page.

7) Pop Up

Pop up windows, particularly unique and different windows, can be very effective at persuading people to sign up for your newsletter. These can either pop up as the visitor enters your site, or when they leave, reminding them to sign up for more information.

8) Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is where you give away something of value that people want to pass to all their friends. It may be a video, a book, a game or anything similar. However, whatever it is, it has your web address in it so people can come and sign up to your newsletter and get more info.

9) Free Giveaways

A very popular new method of list building are the big Internet giveaways where lots of people submit products that are available for free in exchange for a newsletter sign up. These are excellent ways to rapidly build your list – though be aware that freebie seekers may not make for the most responsive of lists.

10) Sign up bonuses

Offer your visitors a bonus if they sign up for your newsletter, e.g. “20% off XYZ for readers” or a number of e-books or reports that will be of interest to them.

Using these 10 simple strategies you can build your list and then leverage their earning power.

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Hire me as your digital marketing consultant and I can help you add a 24/7 automated sales funnel which runs like a well-oiled machine 365 days a year.

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10 Resourceful Things You Can Do With A Product That Doesn't Sell

1. Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to the product. You could make money selling other people the rights to reproduce and sell the product. People are always looking for new products to sell.

2. Giveaway the product for free from your web site. Just because it won't sell doesn't mean people won't visit your web site to get it for free. They may see another product you sell and buy that one.

3. Try auctioning off the product at an online auction. You may make part of your investment back. If you're lucky, you may even make a profit because people sometimes get into bidding wars and will bid a higher price than the product is worth.

4. Use the product as a free bonus for another product you sell. This will increase the perceived value of the product you're selling. People will feel they're receiving more for less.

5. Contact businesses with the same target market and see if they would be interested in using your product as a free bonus for their product. You could place your ad on the product and get free advertising.

6. Sell your product to businesses at wholesale cost as a promotional product. Businesses are always looking for products they can giveaway to their customers with their advertising on the product. You could make part of your investment back.

7. Barter your product to other businesses for things you need for your own business. You could trade for their products or services. This will save you money and help make up for your profit loss.

8. You could create an online contest so people could win your product. This will attract traffic to your web site. You also could get free advertising by listing it on online contest directories.

9. If you decide to giveaway the product for free, allow other people to giveaway the product for free. Place your web site ad on the product. This will spread your advertising and attract even more people to your site.

10. Ask businesses with the same target audience if they would be interested in combining your product with their product. You could then sell them together as a package deal and split the profits. You may have better results selling your product this way.

Why You Should Never Underestimate The Secret Power of Words

If the best way of communicating with prospects and existing customers was through sign language, we’d all have to learn to sign. Or if the best method of communication proved to be some kind of mutually understandable code, we’d all have to learn that code in order to say anything. Thankfully, our communication process is much more simple…or is it?

A sales person has the benefit of meeting his prospect face to face, and will be able gauge his pitch according to visible response signs displayed by his prospect. An experienced salesman will instinctively know from the facial expressions and body language of his prospect, whether he’s hitting the right buttons. This is usually indicated by the prospect’s head nodding up and down combined simultaneously with a beaming smile and wide-eyed appreciation.

A telesales person has much less to go on. They can only judge response to their sales pitch through the prospect’s answers to questions and the actual tone of their voice. Most telesales people find their job easier when they try to imagine the look on their prospect’s faces while they’re talking to them. But, the deciding factor will almost always come down to the tone of voice deployed by both parties.

The Internet and Direct Mail Marketer have no such advantages over their prospects. They can’t see them and they can’t hear them. Their only weapon in their armory of sales pitches is their written word.

How we communicate through our written words holds the absolute key to successful selling online and offline. Whether it’s a sales letter, an email or ad, the written words must convincingly convey the sales message directly into the prospect’s mind. But first, you have to get your prospects to actually read your message, and usually this very first hurdle will claim many, many casualties.

Getting someone to read your sales pitch will almost certainly depend on your headline. Your headline is your introduction. Your ‘hello’, your ‘hey you’ and your ‘listen up’. If your headline doesn’t grab the attention of your prospect within two seconds, it’s goodbye and farewell.

Other important aspects of a ‘killer’ sales message are sub-headings. Sub-headings are generally used to maintain interest throughout the copy. But they’re also included for the benefit of prospects that first scan your message before deciding to read it in full. To some degree, they’re almost as important as the headline itself.

Then there’s the body copy. It’s here that your copywriting talents and skills should really shine through. Here you have the opportunity to use any words in the English language to describe and explain in fine detail, the benefits and features of your product or service on offer. And the English language is positively rich in adjectives, so there can be no excuse.

But the real secret to creating captivating copy is to use ‘sense’ words. That is, words that arouse the senses. Touch, see, smell, taste and listen is what we instinctively do every day. They represent our human survival mechanisms and for the most part, we trust them. Other mammals rely on them totally.

When you use sense words in conjunction with emotionally fuelled trigger words,   you can elicit all kinds of responses, which can be carefully channeled into the heart of your message for maximum impact. Harnessing words for profit in this way is a skill, and it’s a skill that every online and offline marketer needs to fully comprehend.

Learning to write outstanding and emotionally charged sales copy is not an essential requirement for business success, but recognizing the effectiveness is.

Never underestimate the secret power of words.

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Because you know it would be absolutely amazing to make money on automation without having to lift a finger while you get on with your life and even while you sleep. 

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10 Success Factors Of Wealthy Infoproduct Marketers

Why not you?  Why can't you be the next Million dollar information product marketing guru in your field?

What is it that sets us aside from a wildly successful, wealthy and highly respected information product marketing professional - or any high achieving entrepreneur for that matter?

You can't tell me this question hasn't crossed your mind a few hundred times in the last several months?

Some people never seek out the answer to such an important question.

Others think they know the answers, but continue to struggle stubborn, unwilling to admit they need help.

Still others underestimate the importance and number of factors that must be taken into account in achieving massive results within their infoproduct businesses.


While its essential that you be aware of all 10 factors and that you make progress in all 10 areas, any improvement can result in vast improvement in your results.  Rather than being overwhelmed by this extensive list of factors, focus instead on making small improvements in each area as the roadmap to building your own information product marketing empire.

SUCCESS FACTOR 1: Set a target that is on the upside of realistic.  Ok, so you've heard this one before, but it bears repeating. Setting targets including lifestyle, health, income, time off, material purchases are all important.  While these must be achievable, they must also stretch the limits of what you may judge as achievable today.  You need to be aggressive.  Do not stop at setting targets however - a target without the other success factors will do absolutely NOTHING toward improving your current situation.

SUCCESS FACTOR 2: Know Your Big WHY!  Once you have decided on your targets, ask yourself why you have set each target.  Its a good idea to write down each of your targets and beside each one write 1-3 reasons that really hit you emotionally as to why you want to achieve those goals.  You will need to draw on these higher purposes many times as you build your business - eventually it will become automatically engrained and you won't have to think about them.  In the beginning though, you need to really dig deep to find the big WHY and refer back often.

SUCCESS FACTOR 3: Fearless Against Failure. Even though I practice this principle regularly, I still am amazed at how fearlessly information product publishing top guns are at trying new things, changing their direction, renewing their business, testing their actions.  The real secret is to fail often and fail big, from each failure comes an insider's understanding that eclipses what anyone else in the market knows.  By failing bigger and more often than the rest of your market, you will gain a huge advantage over your competition who will not be able to keep up with you.

SUCCESS FACTOR 4: Think For Yourself. If you look to the top 2% of successes within any business, they get there by leading, not by following. Be creative, do not only rely on other people's information to build your business.  Standing out from the crowd, being a leader means by definition that nobody else has done what you aspire to - so why look to someone else for all the answers?  Mentors are good - they help steer you in the right direction and help fill in the blanks, but you must think beyond current methods and knowledge to create your own path

SUCCESS FACTOR 5: Be Committed.  You may want to see short-term results, but for highly successful entrepreneurs, they like to see constant growth in momentum and growth.  This requires skills such as focus, ways of dealing with stress and boredom, flexibility to change direction when the market does and seeing yourself as a longer term builder of value rather than someone who enters a market to take advantage.

SUCCESS FACTOR 6: Be Action Oriented - Not A Perpetual Planner.  This one factor alone separates high achievers from low achievers.  Low achievers spend 90% of their time dreaming and less than 10% of their time acting.  They continue to wish and dream, their definition of success is to be able to set targets, plans and goals.  High achievers spend 10% of their time planning and 90% of their time acting.  They get their satisfaction from seeing results and understand that plans need to be changed based on feedback from actions.

SUCCESS FACTOR 7: Have a Wealth Mentality NOT Desperation Mentality.  Your market has a way of spotting desperate entrepreneurs who make decisions based on short-term goals, and that impacts trust leading to poor results.  Alternatively, if you truly feel blessed, know that success will come to you in time, make decisions based on the premise that giving will ultimately result in more wealth for you - you will attract positive results.

SUCCESS FACTOR 8: Know Your Strengths - And Weaknesses.  When I first started out, my strength was in understanding the psyche of a market such that I could easily find product and service opportunities - but packaging information and presenting it to my market was something beyond my skills at that time.  So, that's where I got better - I focused on learning, sought out a mentor, followed the leaders that were experts at marketing online and learned how to combine what I quickly learned with my expertise to earn a fortune.  If you know where you are strongest, and focus on filling in the gaps of where you are less strong, you will achieve success much faster.

SUCCESS FACTOR 9: Live outside their comfort zone.  Great things happen when you extend yourself beyond your comfort zone.  If you fear public speaking, then at some point that will impact your business and you'll need to learn how to overcome that fear.  If you fear writing, then you'll need to look for alternatives because writing is an essential skill for your business.  Be conscious of what built-in factors block you from achieving greatness.  Learn to recognize your own reactions to fear, allowing you to know when it gets in the way and how to control it allowing you to break through to the other side.

SUCCESS FACTOR 10: Stay healthy.  Health is both physical and mental.  Growing any business venture is an endurance test, are you ready both mentally and physically for the journey?  If you have bad habits now, when you find yourself inside the tornado of a successful, thriving, growing and changing business - can you handle it?  If not, get rid of those habits now - it will pay off dramatically in the future.

I bet you hadn't thought there were so many success factors underlying high achieving information product entrepreneurs had you?

Remember, its not about mastering each of these factors, but rather its knowing they are all important as you build your information product marketing business.  Each day, pay attention to the factors, make small, gradual improvements in each area and you will see the rewards.

After all, there are reasons why you see 2% of any business rise to the top, achieving the ultimate rewards.  Now you have the 10 factors that you can control on your way to the top.

Monday 4 July 2016

10 Ways To Extend The Reach Of Your Site

Successful websites extend their reach far and wide! They build links, connections, partnerships, or use whatever means they can to extend the reach of their sites. By extending their reach, these websites create greater exposure, bringing in more targeted traffic, leads and sales.

You should do the same with your site. It will greatly increase the importance of your site - boosting name recognition and increasing your site's visibility.

Lets look at a real life comparison, ever build a large patio or outdoor deck onto your house and suddenly realize you have not only doubled the floor plan but you have also changed the very nature of the house itself. Or you build a gazebo or a guest house on your property... and suddenly you and your visitors have a different view or opinion of your property. In fact, you have expanded the reach of your property by building these extensions.

Think of your website in the same light - by building simple extensions you can change how your site is viewed and judged by others; resulting in many positive benefits. Little things that are so simple to do, yet it can have far reaching implications for your site. You can, in fact, extend the reach of your site to all corners of the globe.

Here are some of the best techniques for extending the reach of your site, some of these are very simple, some a little more complex:

Article Writing

Get one way targeted links placed all over the web by writing simple 'how to' articles on the topic or theme of your site. Extend the reach of your site by simply including your live links in the author's resource box at the end of your articles.   Simple and very easy to do - just try it!

Viral Desktop Applications

You can extend the reach of your site by placing links directly onto the desktops of your visitors by offering them simple desktop applications like wallpaper, software programs, or ecalendars, like the DATEwise desktop eCalendar (see below). These are great for building brand recognition.

Old Fashion Link Building

Finding related websites and asking for reciprocal links is still one of the best ways to extend your site. Takes a bit of hard work but it pays off big time. And don't forget about testimonials, simple little recommendations about a site or product, these can be great link building opportunities.


Make sure you have a bookmark link on all your pages. You might also want to make a favicon - small logo that goes with your bookmarks. And subtly ask those who bookmark your site to place a shortcut on their desktops.

Ezine or Newsletter

You can reach and keep reaching your site's visitors by building your own opt-in list newsletter or ezine. Broaden the scope of your site by offering diverse information in these publications.

Viral eBooks and Reports

These can be simple 'how-to' ebooks on topics related to your site. Include links to your website and build name recognition as well as tageted traffic.

Forum Posting

Becoming a regular poster on all the online forums will give your site greater exposure and build site or brand recognition. More importantly, if you offer helpful and well informed information your site will acquire a resident expert - you!

Off-line Advertising

Placing your site's logo or URL in off-line places, billboards, t-shirts, caps, but try to resist the latest trend - putting URLs on body parts! Off-line exposure will greatly extend the reach of your site.

Burning CDs

Burning your best programs or information on CDs, DVDs or disks and distributing these around to all interested  parties will create more recognition. Great for reaching non-online computer users.

RSS Feeds and Blogs

This may prove to be the granddaddy of ways to extend your site. The original name for RSS stood for 'Rich Site Summary' - you make a summary of your website and syndicate it to all interested parties. Other webmasters will take your syndicated RSS feeds and place them on their sites. You create mini satellite sites of your content all over the web!

In addition, as your site expands and grows, other opportunities will present themselves... in traditional media such as TV, Radio and Print advertising. Starting an affiliate program for your site is another option you may want to consider. An affiliate program can greatly expand the reach of your site. So too, will starting mirror sites in different languages or countries.

As you can plainly see, there are countless ways to extend the reach of your site. However, just trying a few of these will boost your site's creditability and visibility, bringing in more targeted leads and traffic. So it's your move, don't just let your site sit there, start implementing some of what you're just read.

The whole world is waiting...

10 Strategic Tips On How To Increase Website Sales

If you already have a website or want to get one then spending time learning what your website needs to have in order to increase online sales should be your primary step you take. In this article we are going to cover some major TOP 10 points on what your website should have to consistently drive online sales.

1. Get the attention through clear marketing messages – Your website should have a clear message about your products or business. Show your visitors the benefits they get if they choose your product or business. Make sure that you define your marketing messages clearly for all your critical audiences.

2. Make your visitors feel comfortable – Make sure that your visitors will feel comfortable on your website. Use nice and creative graphics with your content. Use your main business address on your contact page and not P.O. Boxes since it won’t make your business look very dependable. You should also have your phone number located on all of your pages on a visible spot. Your answering message should have the name of your business recorded on it. You are a professional right? Remember to always have your e-mail, phone number, or contact form easily accessible from all pages of your website so your visitors don’t have to struggle to get in touch with you. Another good idea is to provide FAQ page to give your visitors the extra confidence to buy without having to contact you.

3. Create a newsletter – Provide your visitors with a newsletter that they can easily subscribe to. This is your marketing tool that doesn’t cost you anything. It is something catchy that will grab their attention and make them want to sign up.

4. Include your specials – Make sure that you give your visitors good reasons to buy from you. When you tell your potential customer who’s just looking around that you will give them the best deal in town, and to call you back before they buy. I can guarantee that if you handled the communication good they will call you back before they make a buying decision. What you say to them will always be in the back of their mind. Now don’t think that you need to beat the price that they bring back to you. You can always include something extra special to the mix.

5. Keeping in touch with existing customers – Remember that your existing customer is more likely to buy from you again, or refer you to someone, than someone you find who in only interested in your product or business at the time. Remind your customers by phone, e-mail, or postcards about your website or business and let them know about the updates or specials that you have.

6. Create an online marketing campaign – Set some time aside every once in a while and keep looking for ways to promote your website. Establish new linking partners that will advertise your website on theirs. Write interesting and resourceful articles that can help other website owners to provide for their visitors. Establish your monthly budget and invest it in search engine marketing or good business related websites that will bring you quality visitors.

7. Improve you website graphics - Try to stay away from clip art images or something out of style because it won’t have much effect. Make your graphics unique and come up with nice and catchy advertising tag lines. If you need help, hire an agency that will help you come up with the appropriate marketing messages and design eye catching advertising pieces that will seize your visitors’ attention.

8. Perform a regular competitor and customer research – Continue doing research on your competitors and customers. Try to keep your website updated and competitive. After all, the website is your best educated and most knowledgeable salesman that works 24/7.

9. Customer is always right – Your customer is always right, even if they are not. It is important to acknowledge the comments or concerns your customers may have. This will allow you to improve your website in order to make future customers completely satisfied. After you have changes made, jump right back into selling again.

10. Choose a reliable web hosting - Don’t settle for less or judge the hosting by price. You need your website to be available to the world all day everyday. Please note that there is no such thing as “unlimited bandwidth” in web hosting. Any good network engineer or technician can explain why that is.

These 10 tips will help you understand how to increase your online sales. To finalize this article I just want to add two more very important things. Please do not put your picture on the home page. Your navigation of the website should be easy to follow and fool-proof. Don’t complicate things by providing too many options for the customers that will just get them lost. Now go sell.

Sunday 3 July 2016

3 Key Questions You Need Ask About Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is exciting, challenging, and confusing. It can make or break your internet business career and yet many people who depend on internet marketing don't have a full grasp of the essentials involved in internet marketing.

In fact, many internet entrepreneurs waste a great deal of time, energy, and momentum because they do not fully understand internet marketing. Don't let this lack of understanding undermine your income potential.

In order for you to better understand internet marketing and its impact on your internet business you must know the answers to these three key questions:

1. What Is Internet Marketing?
2. What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?
3. What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

What Is Internet Marketing?

Marketing is actually rather simple. Marketing is communication about an idea, product, service, or organization. Marketing therefore encompasses advertising, promotion and sales as well as the various techniques and forms of communication used to advertise, promote and sell.

Marketing is broader than simple advertising or promotion in that it includes researching the market to learn what consumers want and then setting out to meet their needs with the appropriate product, price, and distribution method. Marketing includes market research, deciding on products and prices, advertising promoting distributing and selling.

Marketing also covers all the activities involved in moving products and services from the source to the end user including making customers aware of products and services, attracting new customers to a product or service, keeping existing customers interested in a product or service, and building and maintaining a customer base for a product or service.

Internet marketing includes these same activities but also pulls in various internet tools including web sites, email, ezines, banner advertising, blogging, RSS, text links, search engine optimization, affiliates, autoresponders, and other ecommerce applications.
What Is The Cost Of Internet Marketing?

The range of expenses for internet marketing is huge. There are a number of promotional and marketing ventures that can cost you nothing or only pennies a day while other advertising efforts can cost you thousands a day.

It is important to consider your goals -- both long-term and short-term -- as well as how much each prospective customer is worth to you. This will help you determine a workable budget for your internet marketing campaign.

Many internet promotions are free, you can set up a web site and/or blog for $250 a year, and you can buy text links for $10 a month. You could easily spend $25-50 a day for advertising but there are many cheaper ad options available.

The best program is to start small and cheap and slowly build as you test and learn what is successful for your market and product. There is no perfect acvertising solution that works wonders for everyone. Each marketer and each product has a different formula.

What Is The Benefit of Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing offers more benefits than many traditional marketing mediums. The very nature of web sites and blogs is that they continue working to promote and market your product long after your initial marketing effort is over. Similarly many advertising efforts, such as ezines, newsletters, banners, and text links also continue to increase in power over time.

Email marketing can be a tremendous surge in contacts and sales and offers the ability to personalize your message as well as reach a targeted audience so your chance for sales goes up exponentially.

The other tremendous benefit of internet marketing is that it offers convenience and immediate satisfaction. Your potential customer sees your marketing message when it is convenient for them -- and often when they are seeking information about your specific topic. Then you offer them the ability to act on that interest right then. They can locate your product and buy in the time it would take to watch a commercial on television or turn a page in the newspaper. That is the power of internet marketing.

Now that you have the answers to these three key questions, you are ready to begin your own internet marketing campaign -- and succeed with your internet venture.

Saturday 2 July 2016

10 Simple Tips To Help You Write Better Headlines And Make a Ton More Sales

Headlines are the most important part of your sales letter. They account for ~ 90% of your success. In other words, if you don’t get your headlines right, your site won’t sell.

What’s the job of your headlines? They have to get your site visitor excited. Their goal is to grab your reader’s attention and to make her continue reading your sales letter. If your headline fails to create excitement, it’s very likely that your visitor will leave your site immediately and probably never return again.

How do you create excitement? You have to intrigue your reader with the fantastic benefits of your product. The headline of your sales letter has to present the most important benefit - the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) -- of your product.

The goal of your headline is to stir emotions and to help your reader to imagine enjoying all the great benefits of your product. People buy for emotional reasons and that’s why it’s so important to describe the benefits of your product and not its features.

Your site visitor is having only one question on her mind: What’s in it for me? -- How can I solve my problem?, How can I make more money?, How can I get that job? ... Focus only on your customer and answer her burning questions immediately -- that’s how to write a great headline.

In your headline, tell your customer that you have a solution for her problem, that you have the answers for her questions, that you will provide what she wants...

The result? Your reader will be excited right from the start, she will be eager to continue reading through your sales letter and chances are really good that you will get the click on the "credit card symbol" at the end of your sales letter.

Learn how to write a great headline and getting the sale will become easy -- outstanding headlines can increase your sales by several 100%.

One headline isn't enough - use also subheadings

* Right at the beginning of your sales letter you have to fire your biggest gun -- your USP, that’s the most compelling benefit of your product. To keep your reader interested and excited, use several subheadings throughout your sales copy.

* Each of these subheadings conveys a benefit. That way you will pull your reader through your sales letter, right to the "Buy Me" button. If you don’t keep your reader interested, you risk loosing her. So, keep on firing benefits. Also, it’s absolutely ok to state one and the same benefit several times in different ways.

* Most web surfers only scan pages, they don’t read every single word, but they will you’re your headlines. Therefore you have to make sure, that a visitor who reads only your headlines understands exactly what he will get out of your product.

* Make your reader’s job easy. Divide your text into small logical blocks and start each block with a headline. A headline is like an ad for the text that follows -- it has to convince your visitor to keep on reading.

10 simple tips to make your headlines more effective:

1. Write down all the benefits of your product. What kind of problems does it solve? How it make people happier, healthier, wealthier?...

2. You might not be aware of all the benefits. Think outside the box and keep on looking for more benefits -- don't let any of them slip away.

3. What is the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of your product. What makes it stand out of the crowd, what makes it unique? That's your most important benefit, that's the one that will differentiate your product from those of your competitors.

4. Use short, active verbs that rouse emotions and create images.

5. Write your headlines only for your target customer and don’t care about the rest.

6. Powerful words you can use in your headlines: How to, Free, Why, Who wants to know, Finally... or ask an open-ended question: "Why do so many people fail to attract more money?"

7. Don’t hype, what you are saying has to be believable.

8. Brainstorm 10 - 20 headlines.

9. Pretend you are your customer. Which headline would get you excited, which one stirs your emotions? Pick your three favorites and keep on modifying and changing them until you are really happy.

10. Take a break and come back the following day with a fresh mind. Do a final edit if necessary.

Learning how to write a great headline takes time and effort, but its absolutely crucial if you want to succeed. It's very likely that you will spend the same amount of time for your headlines as for the rest of your sales letter -- and that's perfectly ok.

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