Saturday 9 July 2016

The Real Secret to Earning Serious Cash selling eBooks

The ebook market is hands-down one of the most profitable market to enter. Think about it - NO inventory, NO shipping, INSTANT deliveries and so many other advantages makes this industry one of the fastest growing markets available.

So what is the problem? The problem is that many of the businesses in the ebook market have ecommerce websites which sell a wide range of these ebooks. Many of these ebooks are old and out of date and to compensate for this problem, the ebooks are sold at low prices. To successfully compete, new businesses must sell these same ebooks at even lower prices and will therefore make little money. The best marketing tip is to start an ecommerce niche ebook business. This will help to differentiate your business from the other ones in the market.

What is a niche?

A niche is a small, specialised area within a market. The main thing to remember when starting your niche ebook business is to target a narrow customer base because this is your key to success. The idea here is to find a niche and then you either buy or create ebooks related to that niche area. For example, you could be a stay-at-home mom looking to start a home business. A good niche idea would be to start a business selling ebooks about babies. You could write your own ebooks or buy best-selling ebooks about babies and sell them to new mothers online. Narrowing the ebook market in this way will make you seem more of an expert in your field.

Once you have a list of possible niche ideas, you should do a lot of research. This is important even if you don’t intend to write your own ebook because you will need to understand your market in order to successfully promote your business. Great places to gather information are online forums and websites related to your niche idea and ask questions about your niche idea. Find articles and other ebooks related to your topic. Research, Research and Research all ideas.

The next step is to narrow the list down to the ones you have enough information on. You must now determine whether there is actually a market for your chosem ideas i.e. whether there is enough customer demand. If you are starting a profit-making business you need enough people to buy your product so that you can make a profit. A great online resource to use is Nichebot ( This online keyword tool is great for helping to find out how many people are particularly interested in a particular keyword or keyphrase. You enter your keyword or keyphrase and you will get a list of related terms people searched for in the last month. As part of the results, you will also get the number of times people searched for your term and the related terms. This can be taken as a measure of demand.

You then need to determine the level of supply in the market. You do this by going to a search engine such as and entering any of your keywords which had high demand. The number of search results found should be taken as supply. You should try to focus on niches which have relatively low supply. But, one important point to remember here is that some competition is good. Competition means that profit exists within that niche otherwise there would be no businesses operating there. Furthermore, competition means that there will be partners around for you to use in affiliate and joint venture programs. Also, you will be able to advertise on their sites and forums to seek traffic to your site. So supply should be low but it should not be non-existent. It should be low relative to consumer demand.

The niche idea which has relatively high customer demand and relatively low supply should be your new niche. U can now start writing your ebook. Once this is done, develop your website. If you are a beginner and you don’t know how to do this then go to

Many of these steps to building a successful niche business such as research and web building, if done probably, can take a long time to do. So why not go to to find some quality ready made niche ebook packages. These packages also include free templates that you could use to sell the ebooks.

Once you start selling and gaining some revenue, you can then start writing and publishing your own ebooks. You can develop your niche business even further by joining affiliate programs and joint venture schemes to sell other peoples products. You can establish your business so that when anybody wants some information from your niche market they would think about you first.

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