Monday 4 July 2016

10 Ways To Extend The Reach Of Your Site

Successful websites extend their reach far and wide! They build links, connections, partnerships, or use whatever means they can to extend the reach of their sites. By extending their reach, these websites create greater exposure, bringing in more targeted traffic, leads and sales.

You should do the same with your site. It will greatly increase the importance of your site - boosting name recognition and increasing your site's visibility.

Lets look at a real life comparison, ever build a large patio or outdoor deck onto your house and suddenly realize you have not only doubled the floor plan but you have also changed the very nature of the house itself. Or you build a gazebo or a guest house on your property... and suddenly you and your visitors have a different view or opinion of your property. In fact, you have expanded the reach of your property by building these extensions.

Think of your website in the same light - by building simple extensions you can change how your site is viewed and judged by others; resulting in many positive benefits. Little things that are so simple to do, yet it can have far reaching implications for your site. You can, in fact, extend the reach of your site to all corners of the globe.

Here are some of the best techniques for extending the reach of your site, some of these are very simple, some a little more complex:

Article Writing

Get one way targeted links placed all over the web by writing simple 'how to' articles on the topic or theme of your site. Extend the reach of your site by simply including your live links in the author's resource box at the end of your articles.   Simple and very easy to do - just try it!

Viral Desktop Applications

You can extend the reach of your site by placing links directly onto the desktops of your visitors by offering them simple desktop applications like wallpaper, software programs, or ecalendars, like the DATEwise desktop eCalendar (see below). These are great for building brand recognition.

Old Fashion Link Building

Finding related websites and asking for reciprocal links is still one of the best ways to extend your site. Takes a bit of hard work but it pays off big time. And don't forget about testimonials, simple little recommendations about a site or product, these can be great link building opportunities.


Make sure you have a bookmark link on all your pages. You might also want to make a favicon - small logo that goes with your bookmarks. And subtly ask those who bookmark your site to place a shortcut on their desktops.

Ezine or Newsletter

You can reach and keep reaching your site's visitors by building your own opt-in list newsletter or ezine. Broaden the scope of your site by offering diverse information in these publications.

Viral eBooks and Reports

These can be simple 'how-to' ebooks on topics related to your site. Include links to your website and build name recognition as well as tageted traffic.

Forum Posting

Becoming a regular poster on all the online forums will give your site greater exposure and build site or brand recognition. More importantly, if you offer helpful and well informed information your site will acquire a resident expert - you!

Off-line Advertising

Placing your site's logo or URL in off-line places, billboards, t-shirts, caps, but try to resist the latest trend - putting URLs on body parts! Off-line exposure will greatly extend the reach of your site.

Burning CDs

Burning your best programs or information on CDs, DVDs or disks and distributing these around to all interested  parties will create more recognition. Great for reaching non-online computer users.

RSS Feeds and Blogs

This may prove to be the granddaddy of ways to extend your site. The original name for RSS stood for 'Rich Site Summary' - you make a summary of your website and syndicate it to all interested parties. Other webmasters will take your syndicated RSS feeds and place them on their sites. You create mini satellite sites of your content all over the web!

In addition, as your site expands and grows, other opportunities will present themselves... in traditional media such as TV, Radio and Print advertising. Starting an affiliate program for your site is another option you may want to consider. An affiliate program can greatly expand the reach of your site. So too, will starting mirror sites in different languages or countries.

As you can plainly see, there are countless ways to extend the reach of your site. However, just trying a few of these will boost your site's creditability and visibility, bringing in more targeted leads and traffic. So it's your move, don't just let your site sit there, start implementing some of what you're just read.

The whole world is waiting...

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