Thursday 30 November 2017

How to Balance Your Life and Your Job

It can be difficult to not bring home your work with you. You may have a demanding job or you may hate your job and you bring this home with you. Just how can you balance your personal life and your job without letting the other suffer?

While it is easy to say the minute you swipe out or get into your car to drive home, stop thinking about work. This is not always so easy to accomplish. If your job is demanding you may be tempted to bring work home with you. On the other hand if you dislike your job you feel like going home and ranting about it. Neither one is a good option.

When you bring work home it can interfere with the time you have to spend with your family. You may only intend to spend 30 minutes proof reading but instead this turns into a couple of hours. By the time you are done your kids are in bed and you wonder why they don't interact with you as much as they used to. 

If you do nothing but scream and yell when you get home, this also has a negative effect on those around you. As much as they want you home they can start to dread that time. 

To balance this out you need to take a good look at both situations. If your work load is too much is there a way to reduce it? Can you delegate some of your tasks to a junior member? Does your boss know that you are bringing homework? 

Don't try and be a superhero and get everything done alone. It just isn't possible and your personal life, as well as your health, could suffer. Learn to prioritize what has to be done before you leave work each evening. This way in the morning you can look after the most important items first.

If you hate your job and do nothing but shout at your spouse or partner then maybe it is time to start looking for a new one. Research has shown that going to a job you detest each day can put you into a severe depression. 

Even driving to work can become dangerous. You are dreading arriving at work and may not be paying enough attention to the road. 

One day you just may not arrive at work or at home either. Is your job worth it?

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