Friday 8 December 2017

Does Your Life Feel Like Running a Marathon?

Does Your Life Feel Like Running a Marathon?

When you are attempting to balance your life and your career you are often left feeling as though you are running a marathon. You just keep going and going and never seem to find, let alone reach, the finish line. At work you may face a full calendar of meetings and deadlines for projects.

While at home you have children to take to after school activities, homework to deal with and more. Let alone laundry, grocery shopping and dinner preparations. When you feel so overbooked a natural reaction is to start putting more hours in to get everything done.

You may find yourself staying later at work, or you may stay up late at night to finish that load of laundry. Most people are struggling to find a way to balance their work and their personal life. Many actually have this as a priority over making more money or getting that promotion. They are looking for balance! In order to stop running that marathon and never finishing it you need to take a good look at your life.

Has your 40 hour work week manifested into a 60 hour week? The question you need to ask yourself is why? What has happened in order for you to spend that additional time at work. One of the first things to look at is your time management skills. Are you spending too much time checking your email, do you sneak on social media sites? It is amazing how much time can be wasted by doing menial tasks. Instead of arriving at work and checking your email, prioritize what you have to get done that day. What is the one biggest project that must be accomplished? Then simply get it done!

 Put off checking emails and other items until this project is finished. At least you now know you won't have to work late because of the fear of missing a deadline. Each morning create a list of what has to be done and when. Always move the less important items to after lunch. You can apply these same techniques to your home life. When you get home concentrate on getting the main things done first. This might be cooking dinner or taking your child to an appointment. Leave the things that can wait until later on, try leaving them until the weekend. If you can do this then you know that job wasn't as important as you thought. Just by making a few changes in how you look at things you can actually cross that finish line!

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