Sunday 10 December 2017

Getting that Life Balance Working for You

To successfully balance your life and feel as though you are accomplishing your desires there are several things you can start to do. One of the first ones is to simply create a schedule.
If you haven't used a calendar then you should start using one. 
It is an easy way to see what you have going on and when. 
Plus it allows you to make time for those important things in life.

You should try and use two different calendars, one for work and one for your personal life. When you have a large project to complete start planning it out and allotting time on your calendar.
Schedule in your breaks and be aware of any appointments or errands that you have to run immediately after work. 

This way, when you know you have to pick up your children, you won't be tempted to stay a few minutes longer at work.

For your home calendar get into the habit of scheduling family time, along with time for housework, shopping and some alone time, just for you! When you do this you will know that your child has a baseball game that you don't want to miss. Simply schedule this time on your work calendar as well, so you don't forget!

Another way to get a balance between work and home is to avoid as many distractions and interruptions as possible. Maybe you can put your phone on voicemail, or use headphones if the office is busy.

One huge distraction is your inbox. You don't have to check your mail every 10 minutes. Instead make a habit of only checking it just a few times per day. This way you won't be tempted to start answering unnecessary emails or start chatting with a friend.

This next item is super important and has to do with your mindset. Stop thinking that you have to be working on overdrive, or that you have to be a superman or woman. You don't and you can only accomplish so much each day.

Don't get into the habit of skipping your breaks or working through lunch. Instead always make a point of taking these breaks and recharge and refuel. You will find that your energy and concentration levels are renewed.

In addition to this learn to say 'no'. You don't have to accept every invitation you receive, and you don't have to always be the parent that volunteers at school. You will have more peace of mind when you refuse certain things and only take on those that you truly have time for.

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