Tuesday 29 December 2015

Generating Traffic to Your Pinterest Boards

One of the quickest ways to start driving traffic to your Pinterest boards is by following the leader. This concept is true for Twitter. If you follow the high profile person in your niche, then you are more likely to generate more followers for yourself. Also, doing this gives you the opportunity to see how this person is marketing their business. 

Who said spying on the competition isn’t a good thing!
The biggest mistake you can make on your boards is to only promote yourself. While there is nothing wrong about boasting about a new achievement or your first Kindle book, don’t center everything around your business.

Always remember that the key to social media is to share, and it is no different with Pinterest. If you share and repin other people’s content, you are more likely to see more traffic back to your site in the end.

It is possible to create backlinks to your site through your boards. For example, you can post an image of an affiliate product with your link on it. Then write a review of this product and link to that. When you write the review article, include several photos for Pinterest users. This way you can get different images pinned more times. Posting popular images could possibly result in a number of backlinks very quickly.

Leave detailed comments on images and videos that you like and repin. By taking the time to write a comment, you are creating a name for yourself. Also, you are being social and sharing content, which is what Pinterest wants you to do.

Writing quality comments will get you noticed and will get your comment repined as well as creating more traffic. All of these things may sound small and won’t take that long to do, but the results could be huge. Imagine if your comment went viral, think of all the traffic your site could see! The potential is there. You just need to tap into it.

You can drive more traffic to your blog simply by adding more images. By having more than one image or by including a video, people have options of what to pin. This results in more pins for your blog. Don’t forget to include a Pin Me button on your blog, ideally below each image. Make it easy for people to share, and they will simply click without thinking and help generate more traffic for you. 

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