Monday, 28 March 2016

How to Choose Your Perfect Keywords

Need a little advice when it comes to choosing the right keywords? Who doesn't? Picking the right keywords is one of the biggest and best things you can do to boost your business and optimize your website for the search engines. If you optimize your site for the wrong keywords the battle is a complete waste of time, effort, money, and energy.

You do not want to invest time in keywords that are not going to pay off when all is said and done. Demystifying the Keyword Selection Process While it may seem like a big mystery; once you learn how to choose keywords, the process becomes much easier over time. The first thing you need to determine is the type of site you are creating.

Those that are database driven (or dynamic sites) can be optimized for a virtually limitless supply of keywords. If your site is a static site, which is a site that isn't driven by a database you are more limited in your options for keywords and need to be far more selective. For this reason it is better to determine the type of site you are creating before you begin the keyword selection process.

 Now that you've narrowed down the type of site you can begin to select your keywords. Static sites perform better with highly targeted long tail keyword phrases and variations that include singles and plurals. Selecting one or two keyword phrases and focusing on those within a static site will pay off much better than spreading the focus between too many keywords, which could seem like stuffing to the search engines. Dynamic sites, on the other hand, are a giant buffet for keywords.

You can optimize for as many keywords as you are interested in creating pages to promote them. Brainstorm a list of potential keywords or keyword phrases based on the type of site you are creating. Once you have a list you can use the following criteria to eliminate and narrow your list. How long is the phrase? The longer the phrase, the more likely it will be to generate traffic that converts into sales. As long as the phrase is being searched; it can convert into sales. For this reason you should avoid creating phrases that are so long that no one is searching for them.

You want phrases that are being searched so that you can get the traffic that will convert to sales. You also want phrases that have less competition. Who will be using the phrase? One thing you don't want to do is create a website that attracts those who are only looking for information and not looking to buy. It does little good to create a wealth of traffic if you aren't making any sales for your efforts. When you use these ideas in your keyword strategy you should find that you are not only selecting keywords that generate traffic but also keywords that convert into sales.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Making Wise Decisions When Choosing Keywords

The keywords chosen for a website are one of the most important decisions a website owner will make about that particular site. It is of vital importance not only to conveying the overall purpose of the website but also in gaining the recognition of Internet searches as well as the search engines that are often used to point them in the right direction. 

Knowing that these keywords and phrases are vitally important though does little to help you learn how to select them and incorporate them into your website. Before you build your website you need to select the keywords you wish to promote. This means you need to have a product or overall idea in mind to promote in this beginning stage as well. Getting back to the keywords though, the first thing you need to do in order to find potentially profitable keywords for your business is learn what people are searching for. 

There are tools you can use to do this—many of them are available at no cost to you and some (which in all honesty are easier to use) cost money. It is up to you which one is the better solution in the beginning. Over time you may choose to find a paid service to assist you in your keyword research. Until you are turning a profit though it's a good idea to stick with free methods. 

 Once you've learned the terms people are searching for and how many people are searching for them it's time to do a different kind of leg work for your keyword research. It's time to check out the variations that exist on those keywords. This often requires a different service than the one you will use to see how many people are searching for popular search terms. Google has an excellent tool that is free and really good at helping you come up with phrases that have real potential. 

 Once you've got a few phrases on your list and you know which among these phrases people are searching for, it's time to move on to the next stage in the process. That stage is the one that involves checking out the competition. Find out how much competition various keywords have and take a look at the quality of the competition you will be facing. It's better to be a really big fish in a small pond than it is to be a little fish trying to get noticed in an ocean. 

In other words you want a term that is well searched but has little competition. That seems like a difficult prospect but there are a few gems remaining if you are patient enough to find them. Taking the steps necessary to find the ideal keywords is the one thing that separates those who are going places in Internet marketing from those who are playing at making money online.

 Do you have what it takes to make the right decisions about keywords?

Find out how to to make your fortune on-line selling an unlimited amount of digital information products,

visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM  for more information.

More Things to Consider About Keyword Density

There will always be a wide number of questions about keyword density from new and older marketers alike. It is important that you remember to always take the advice given with a grain of salt and realize that trial and error really is the best way to work out what works and doesn't work for you. 

However, knowing the answers to the questions below can when the time comes to make those painful decisions that every person doing business, whether online or off, must face from time to time—the decision to keep a project going, scrap a project, or seriously overhaul the keyword efforts that are currently in place. 

 Can keywords be used as anchor text? While keywords that are used as anchor text for links has little impact on the overall keyword density of the content on a website; it does offer some benefit to associate the page being linked to with those keywords. When using article marketing to bring in traffic and boost page rank, it is critical to use targeted keywords when linking from the article to the website. In order to avoid penalties for keyword stuffing it is a good idea to link similar keywords in your inbound links so that all of the incoming links are not identical. 

 Are keywords necessary in title tags? This is another use of keywords that can have a major impact on how well a website ranks among various search engines. Placement is important. Put the most important keywords near the beginning. Make a concentrated effort to use variations so that you aren't using one specific word within the phrase more than three times in the entire title tag though twice should be sufficient. 

 Is there an order to follow? There are wide ranging theories on this. Keep in mind that the algorithms are subject to change frequently and without warning. Search engines are making a valiant effort to encourage website creators to write for their living breathing audiences rather than for the sake of their algorithms. With this in mind it is better to use the keywords frequently enough that your audience knows the point you are trying to make but doesn't feel as though they are being overwhelmed by that point. Sprinkle the words into the article and throughout the article rather than trying to have them stuffed heavily at the top and conspicuously absent as the article continues. 

 Do you have to use the same phrase throughout? It is important to note that this is changing to some degree as search engine algorithms become more sophisticated. For the time being though it is important that when optimizing for a specific keyword, that the keyword phrase is used exactly throughout the article. You can use synonyms and similar phrases for emphasis or in order to avoid keyword stuffing but should avoid using them in your calculations for keyword density. 

 When these questions are answered you will be better equipped to come up with a plan for keyword density within your own web pages. Always test and make changes whenever necessary to ensure that your pages are on the rise within the search engine rankings.

Find out how to to make your fortune on-line selling an unlimited amount of digital information products,

visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now for more information.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The NEW Secrets to Copywriting That Sells

Anyone who has worked with me over the past 25 years knows that my mantra has always been “benefits, benefits, benefits.”  Benefit headlines … benefit copy … benefit subheads … benefit captions … anything to hammer home the customer benefits.

Benefits are still a vital key, but today, copywriting needs much more than just benefits.  To sell the most, copywriting needs to connect at a much deeper and more dramatic level than ever before.

There are 6 main reasons why.  I call them The New Secrets to Copywriting That Sells.

1.  The “Yahoogle” effect

Thanks to mega search engines like Yahoo and Google, tons of information on just about any topic, product or service is literally at your fingertips … for free.

Here’s what that means to your marketing:

Internet search engine rankings for your business/product/service are vital.  Most people search on the internet for things they are interested in.

People won’t pay for information they can get online for free.  You can’t succeed selling generic basic plain vanilla information any more.

You can’t get away with outrageous claims.  Everything you say can be checked out in an instant.

Many people comparison shop on the internet before making any purchase.


Use search engine optimization (SEO) to get your website ranked high.

Most businesses will have to use Pay-Per-Click advertising for their best keywords and phrases.

Copywriting must uncover and feature the unique advantages and superiority of whatever is being sold.

Your offering must be extremely differentiated from the competition – or else you’ll end up having to compete on low prices alone.

You must make it clear – very quickly – that you are providing something they can’t find elsewhere online for free.

2.  Advertising Overload Filter

In today’s hectic, media-frenzied world, people are bombarded by hundreds or even thousands of advertising messages every single day.  Therefore, to maintain their sanity, most people have become more immune to advertising.

They can’t possibly devote their full attention to every message they receive, so they’ve learned to “scan” and “filter” the messages they receive in a matter of a split-second or two.

So, to succeed today – marketing must cut through the “advertising filter” and get attention and interest from target prospects.


Don’t send out “advertising.”  Instead – send out valuable helpful information.  Make it something that will obviously benefit your prospect just by reading it.  Weave your sales pitch into this helpful information.

Make your marketing look and sound valuable.

Use specific numbers.

Make a great offer.  You can “buy” a new customer this way and profit from their Lifetime Value (LV).

Consider a free offer to get prospects/customers into your marketing funnel.

Be outrageous, crazy, unique – if appropriate.

Be personal, corny, homey – if appropriate.


You may be the most honest person in the world.  Your company may be the most honest in the world.  But all your potential customer knows is there are a lot of dishonest people out there.

Internet scams, ID theft, companies going bankrupt, and credit card fraud are all in the headlines almost daily.  And many people simply disregard claims that sound “too good to be true” today more than ever.

To succeed today, you need to add heavy credibility to your marketing.  This will reduce the risk or fear people may have about doing business with you.


Show the number of years you’ve been in business, membership in trade organizations, awards won, etc.

Offer a free sample or free trial.

Offer a risk-free, money-back guarantee.

Sign your name to the ad or sales letter.

Use a photo of the person writing, product photo, business photo, employees photo.

Use customer testimonials extensively.

Use case studies.

Use lots of specifics.

List your physical address, phone, fax, email and business hours.

Have an “expert” be your spokesperson.

Acknowledge any doubts or “sneaking suspicions” your prospect may already have, and give them valuable, factual information to support your product/service.

Don’t make claims that could sound “too good to be true” – even if they are true.

4.  The Entertain-Game Society

Today, entertainment is everything.  Even hard news websites are full of flash, video, audio, surveys, contests, games, etc.

So, use this new environment in your marketing as an advantage.  Look for ways to entertain and get prospects involved with your marketing promotions.


This can include new uses of traditional “action” devices like stickers, rub-offs and inserts.

Personal stories/testimonials in your promotion are entertaining and engage people on a personal level.

Surveys with results

Self-tests with answers


Celebrity spokesperson


Streaming audio and video

Humor – if appropriate

5.  The Right Now Factor

The days of “please allow 6-8 weeks for shipping” are dead and gone … just like any company who still thinks anything close to that kind of policy is ok.

More than anything else, the internet has conditioned consumers to expect everything instantly. Instant ordering … instant payment … instant confirmation … and, in many cases, instant downloading of product.

Solution:  If you are going to grab the attention of today’s consumers, you must let them know you can satisfy their needs IMMEDIATELY.  Play up how fast they will get their product, premium or first issue.

6.  The Bonding Factor

We all want a hero, a guru, someone we can relate to, and someone we feel has our best interests at heart, right?

Today’s consumer is very jaded, skeptical and frustrated with the lack of love and bonding in his life, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Today, you need to be seen as a guide and friend first, and a helpful confidant second.  If you even smell like just a greedy salesperson, you will lose your advantage.

Solution:  Be likeable, friendly, personal, passionate, unique and different.  Be authentic – a person and company that your prospect can genuinely bond with.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line selling unlimited amounts of digital information products  from home  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now to learn more.

How Can Tools Help You Judge the Value of Keywords?

Having the right tools is important in any job. If you want to do the job right you need to make sure you have the tools that are needed to accomplish this goal. Whether you are trying to install an air conditioner or break into the world of Internet marketing there are quite a few tools that can help you do the job better than you would be able to do it without them.

 Fortunately for those interested in Internet marketing as a career choice, there are plenty of great products available online to help them achieve that goal.

 WordTracker If you want the king of the hill among Internet marketers the general consensus is that WordTracker is that king. This is one of the most widely utilized and respected tools for keyword research online today. It has a proven track record and continues to withstand the tests of time and constantly changing algorithms by the search engines.

Not only does WordTracker let you know which terms are being searched for but how often they are being searched and how many sites are currently competing with those keywords. It takes a three step process used with free methods and breaks it down to a one step approach. If your time is limited this is a service well worth paying for.

 KeywordDiscovery This tool is a lot like WordTracker though it hasn't quite matched its reputation just yet. Some important details you might want to know about KeywordDiscovery is that it allows you to see statistics on not only the keywords you specify but also relevant keywords—even those that are misspelled or considered fault logic keywords. It is an interesting choice if you've tried the free trial at WordTracker and decided that their program isn't for you. You can enjoy a free tour of this software to see how you like it.

 Google AdWords Google offers a tool that is designed to work with its AdWords campaigns. However, this tool is free and can be infinitely beneficial to those who are in need of a little assistance when it comes to choosing keywords or weeding out those that aren't going to be as likely to be profitable. More importantly, this nifty little tool might introduce you to keyword phrases that you would have never come up with on your own. Once you've created a list of potential keywords it's time to move on toe creating the content for your site.

Write the content for your site with the keywords in mind and be sure to use them liberally (without stuffing of course) within the text of your website. It may take a few times before you get the hang of writing for the benefit of the search engines without alienating your readers. You cannot afford to alienate your target audience because these are the people who will make the purchases that make your efforts pay off.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line selling unlimited amounts of digital information products  from home  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now to learn more.

Monday, 14 March 2016

10 Quick Tips For Creating A Profitable List

Building and maintaining a high quality list of subscribers is vital to any marketers success. Let’s go over some of the most important steps you need to take to ensure you build a profitable list:

1)First, make sure you put up a good landing page. It should be well-designed and professional looking. If you don’t have any design skills then hire someone to do this for you.

2)Next, put a web form on your landing page and offer your customers the opportunity to opt-in to your mailing list. Give something away free to encourage them to opt in.

3)Make sure any freebies you give away are of the highest quality, because the subscribers on your list will judge the worthiness of your products and services based on the freebies they get.

4)Include a lot of professionally written content and interesting information for your visitors. Your customers will want to read interesting things and want to look for more than just a sales pitch. Content sites are a great way to build trust and loyalty. You can build a content site jam-packed with articles and helpful information, then link to your sales page from your content site.

5)Make sure you keep your customer’s information private. If you tell your customer’s you will not share his or her personal information, then don’t share it with anyone. You will ruin your reputation, and word spreads fast on the Internet.

6)Take some time to try the product you offer yourself. Make sure it is something you consider worthy of buying. If you are selling a book you wrote, make sure it has mass appeal and will benefit the target audience you plan to market it to.

7)Provide top-notch customer service. This is THE number one way to stay ahead of the game. If your customers are happy and you resolve their questions and complaints immediately, then you will win their loyalty and trust.

8)Reward customers that refer others to you. This is a simple way to build trust and loyalty.

9)Respond to your customer’s complaints or inquiries immediately, with the goal in mind always being to satisfy your customer.

10)Remain truthful and honest in all you do. A customer will sniff out a scam faster than a dog will a bone. Don’t lie, don’t trick and don’t steal. Be honest and be who you are, and you will do well working on the Web and building your opt-in list.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Tools and Tricks to Maximize Keyword Density and Usage

Once you've learned a few tips and tricks about keyword density, you need to learn how to to calculate the keyword density within your articles for marketing as well as the pages of your website. The good news is that there are quite a few tools online that are free to use and very accurate at determining what the keyword density for your content is.

 You will need to find the one that you are most comfortable using and make that one work for you. Take a look at several different tools before you decide which tool is the one best for you though and give more than one a try.

 You may find that one tool brings you better luck or, as the case may be, results than other tools even though they should be sending the same results. Before you get too caught up in determining the magic number for keyword density you need to understand that this is one of many tools or guides that can help you build a better performing web page.

Unfortunately there are no hard and fast infallible rules to live by when it comes to keyword density or keyword placement. Worse still, once you find a formula that seems to work for you, one tweak in the search engine algorithm can send your page plummeting within the ranks. You must always work to keep your page on top and stay on top of the new developments that are being made in this important algorithms. One trap that too many web site creators fall into is writing for the search engines rather than writing for the readers.

Remember that while search engine ranking is important, if you you aren't writing for your audience they won't keep reading long enough to buy. It doesn't matter how many people visit your website if you can't entice anyone to buy. Make sure you don't over stuff your content with keywords or write poorly. If you aren't confident in your ability to write for your target audience pay someone to do the writing for you. Good content with a decent keyword density will pay for itself quickly in increased traffic and a greatly improved conversion rate.

 Mix Things Up If you really want to make a splash in the search engines, optimize your pages for different keywords. What this means is that you can optimize your website for more than one keyword. It may seem difficult but is not all that difficult to do. This allows you to capitalize on traffic that is searching for various keywords rather than placing all your marketing eggs in one keyword basket.

This is also a great way to make the page easier to read while optimizing for more keywords. If the competition is fierce for your keywords, try creating a separate web page for each keyword phrase that you are targeting. Keep these things in mind when creating your web pages and attempting to optimize. Don't let the question of keyword density and placement override everything else you should be doing to make your website more attractive to the search engines.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

Saturday, 12 March 2016

10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List

We've all heard it that in order to stay in business online you need to build a Targeted 'Opt-In' list.

Well... I truly have to agree with that simply because this is where you'll always have a consistent source of FREE Targeted traffic(also referred to as 'Sticky Traffic') to promote your offers or related information to for years to come.

It just makes sense, wouldn't you say?

And, we all know that 'Email' is where the $MONEY$ is truly made when it comes to marketing your business online because it gives You the ability to Follow-Up your potential customers until they decide to buy from You.

But, the problem that usually takes place is that people don't know where to start when it comes to building there own targeted Opt-In list.

Now, for those of you that are new Internet marketing and don't know what a 'Opt-In' list is, here's a quick definition:

An 'Opt-In' list is simply a database of peoples Names and Email Addresses that have subscribed to an email list via a web form giving that list owner permission to send them periodic emails on the topic they are interested in.

Notice how I said, "giving that list owner permission to send them email".

When they subscribe to your Opt-In list they are giving You permission to send them offers or related information on the topic they are interested in, this is known as 'Permission Email Marketing'.

This is the ABSOLUTE safest form of email marketing where You won't get accused of 'SPAM'.

This is very important that You understand this from the beginning.

So, now that you have a clear idea in your mind of what an Opt-In list is and how it will benefit You and your business, I guess it's time to share with you the simple 'Ten Step Process' that I have put together for you on How-To build your own targeted Opt-In list that you can email your offers to at any given time for $Profit$.

Step #1. Pick your Target market or Niche.

This is a very important step because this is where you need to figure out who your target market is going to be for the Product or Service your going to offer.

So, for example, if I was interested in selling a book related to Internet Marketing, well then, my target market would be Internet Marketing related.

Step #2. Can your Target market or Niche be reach online?

This step is where you need to do a little research on whether or not your particular target market can be reached online.

In order to do this you need to do some keyword research using keywords related to your target market.

You can do this by using the Overture keyword research tool located at the URL I've provided below.

Simply type in the keywords related to your target market in the form provided.

This will give you a detailed history of how many searches have been made in the last 30 days on the keywords related to your target market.

As a general rule, if your targeted keywords aren't pulling in 15,000 or more searches per month, then this is a market I wouldn't pursue simply because there isn't much demand for it.

Step #3. Are they making money in this Niche?

This is where you need to do some research on your competition to see if people are spending any money in this Niche.

You can do this by going to Google at and type in your targeted keywords related to your Niche in the form provided.

This will give you a list of search results.

Those results are your competition, but even more important, to the right you'll notice little ads.

These are paid ads offered through Google Adwords.

This means that somebody is willing to pay to advertise and is paying attention to this particular Niche and must be making money if they're willing to pay for advertising.

That's good news for you.

Step #4. Use Forums to find your Target markets problems.

Forums are a great place to find out exactly what your potential customers TOP problems are by simply scanning there posts and looking for the most common threads.

By doing this you'll be able to know right away what your target markets TOP problems are and how you can help solve there problem.

To find Forums related to your Niche simply visit Google and type in your targeted keywords with '+ forums' after your keyword.(ex. internet marketing + forums)

Step #5. What's keeping them from getting what they want?

This is where you have to figure out whats keeping them from getting what they want in order to fix the problems they are dealing with, meaning, this is where you need to work with them to find a solution to there problems.

Whether its a Product they need or a Service of some sort.

Step #6. What can you offer them to solve there problems?

This is where the money is being spent.

Now, the only thing you need in order to receive your share of the revenue is a Product or Service that will solve your potential customers problem.

If you don't have a Product or Service of your own don't get discouraged.

I'm going to give you two resources where you can find products or services that You can become an affiliate for that are related to any Niche that will pay you a commission for every sale you make by simply referring your traffic to there website.

The two websites to visit are and

Step #7. Set-Up a simple direct response mini-site.

Here is where you Set-Up your lead generating website with a Follow-Up System that your potential customers will come to and Opt-In to your list to start receiving offers or related information on the topic or problem they are having.

This is a very simple process to do and you can view my website as an example of how one would look.

If you don't know how to build your own website you can always hire someone to do it for you by going to...

Step #8. Get an Auto-Responder account.

This is where you'll be laying the foundation down for your list.

You MUST have an Auto-Responder account Set-Up before you make your mini-site go live because this is where your potential customers are going to come and submit there Name and Email Address so that you can start building a list to send your offers or related information to.

So, do not miss this important step.

Step #9. You need to figure out what 'Bait' to use.

What I mean by 'Bait' is... what are you going to offer them for FREE to get them to subscribe to your Opt-In list.

Here are some examples of what you can use as 'Bait': ebooks, special reports, mini-courses, coupons, etc.

These are the most common. It really depends on who you are targeting, so be creative.

Step #10. Reach out to your target market.

This is the part where you send traffic to your website in order to get subscribers.

I'm going to mention only two methods.

These methods are the most POWERFUL and for good reason, they work.

The first method is Writing Articles.

By Writing Articles your showing your target market that You are someone who knows how to help solve there problem and may have a possible solution for them.

This is the quickest way to build INSTANT credibility in your Niche.

The second method is to send targeted traffic to your mini-site through Pay-Per-Click search engines.

Pay-Per-Click search engines are where you bid on the keywords terms related to your target market and are listed according to the highest bid for that keyword term.

By using PPC search engines, it will get you infront of your target market Instantly.

Writing articles gives you INSTANT credibility and will put you infront of thousands of readers, and Pay-Per-Click search engines send you HIGHLY targeted traffic to your website within minutes depending on which PPC search engine you are using.

The More traffic you send to your website, the More subscribers you'll receive.

It's simply a numbers game.

Well... there you have it, "10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List".

Now... it's up to you to take the neccessary Action in order to get started with your own targeted Opt-In list.

If you already have an existing web business online simply implement the steps outlined above to your existing website.

These are the 10 basic steps required in order to get your Opt-In listing building started in the Right direction.

Simply follow them and you'll be on your way to receiving your first subscriber in No Time.

Find out how to to make your fortune on-line selling an unlimited amount of digital information products visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now for more information.

What is Keyword Stuffing?

You've probably heard quite a bit of talk about keyword stuffing. Unfortunately, while you may understand that it is a bad thing overall, you may not fully understand exactly what it means or why you should avoid it.

Essentially keyword stuffing is using your keywords to the point that they overwhelm any meaning that could be gleaned from reading the content on your web page. Not only is it frowned upon by the search engines but also by the audience you are hoping to attract.

The harder your content is to read, the greater the likelihood that your traffic will surf on over to the next page. In other words, keyword stuffing hurts you in more ways than you may realize. Keyword stuffing is often the result of cramming the keywords into every nook and cranny of your website. To the reader, the content looks like little more than a continuous string of keywords with no real value at all.

Of course, this is only one form of keyword stuffing. Unfortunately, it is not the only one. Other forms of keyword stuffing include cramming the keywords into the title multiple times or into captions for photos, anchor text for links, headings, meta tags, and other tags on your website.

Even using the same anchor text for multiple inbound links can be considered keyword stuffing and penalized by some search engines so make sure you are using a wide range of keywords for your article marketing efforts.

 The penalties for keyword stuffing can be quite severe and should be avoided at all costs. While the most common penalty is bad enough—losing page ranking with the search engines; there are penalties that are much more severe and can result in your website being banned altogether. To avoid these penalties it is important to use common sense in your Internet marketing and keyword density errors.

It's a good idea to avoid ever going over 5% keyword density though there are many who will argue that 3% is plenty. Another great way to avoid possible penalties is to always write content with the reader in mind. If you write your content in a manner that should appeal to the reader and sprinkle the keywords into the text when they fit organically you will be much less likely to be accused of keyword stuffing than if you were to pack multiple keywords into the article one after another or use them three of four times per paragraph.

 While the potential for search engine penalties is bad enough to deter you from keyword stuffing; it shouldn't be your primary motivation. This practice is a big turn off for the visitors to your website who may have purchased the products or services you have to offer if they hadn't been overwhelmed by the content. Be practical and consider what you look for in a website before you buy. More importantly, check out what your competition has to offer and what content they have. Don't take their content, but you can learn a lot from reading it about what does and does not work as far as keyword density is concerned.

Learn how to make serious automated cash online visit  now to learn more.

Friday, 11 March 2016

10 Questions You Should Answer Before Building An Internet Business

If you believe that the internet is still in its infancy, then you have to be aware that the infancy is almost over. The internet gains its maturity faster. Everybody wants to take advantage of the internet must treat it as if it a mature entity. You’ve got to be serious about using internet as your business vehicle.

If you still think that you can easily make fortune out of the internet, then you may miss the big picture of it unless you are aware of the things you should ask yourself and give your answer before you build your internet business.

You should understand that building an internet business is different from making money from the internet. You can make more money from the internet without building any business.

While building an internet business may 'cost' you big investment, making money from the internet may cost you nothing or less. But here's the interesting part. Making money from the internet needs you stick to the internet all the time. Simply put, the money stops coming in when you stop your internet activity. On the other hand, if you do it correctly, the internet business you're building will make money for you even while you're sleeping or away in vacation.

So, to do it correctly, you should ask yourself these questions before building any internet business:

1. Do you have a vision?
What is your business vision? You should have it clear in your mind what your business be in the next 5 years, 10 years, or 20 years.

2. Do you recognize your business strength?
What is your business strength? This will affect the whole concept and strategies of your business. If you think that you don't have that strength, then you must make an exercise to find that strength!

3. Do you set your business goals?
What missions you want to be accomplished to achieve your business vision? These missions will be your business goals. Make a list of clear and measurable goals with detail activities to reach it.

4. Do you have a business strategy?
What to do to win your business? Use a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle to test your business strategy.

5. Do you have the technology?
What technology needed for your business? What will be involving? You need to decide which technology is appropriate to your business.

6. Do you have good quality products to offer?
What products you want to offer to your customer? You have to make sure that the product you want to offer to your customer is the one with good quality.

7. Do you have a good quality customer?
What kind of customer will you have? One part of your business activity should be about finding good quality customer. Good quality customer is the one who's willing to observe, evaluate and buy your products again, again, and again.

8. Do you have a good quality information to offer?
Your customer needs information. Unless you can provide it, you won't win the business game.

9. Do you have a business coach?
Who will mentor and watch your business growth from the outside? Sometimes you need more than just advice and consultation to grow your business. You may decide to get a business coach to help you grow your business.

10. Do you have the guts, the passion, the patient and the endurance toward the business?
The last things you should have: guts, passion, patient and endurance to build your business.

If you can't answer just one of the 10 questions above, then you may want to think again before building an internet business.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line selling unlimited amounts of digital information products  from home  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now to learn more.

10 Easy Steps For Getting Video On Your Business Website

I'm often asked, "I have no video training but I want to put video on my website to help promote my products and services what can I do?" Well the answer is simple. If you can shoot a home movie you can put a video clip on your website. Now the first thing is to not be scared of the camera. A good sales person needs to be able to speak clearly and present their product in a manner that everyone can understand and enjoy. So with that in mind turn on your camera, cell phone, or whatever video capturing tool you have and begin shooting. But here are a few tips for making your shoot successful and getting it up on your website.

1. Speak clearly, and so that everyone watching can understand what your saying and what your product is about.

2. Make sure you have enough light so that you and your product can be seen. But be aware that you can also have to much light. So the best thing to do is to test your video and the area your going to be shot in. Make sure you look natural.

3. A microphone is important and you need to be heard. If your using a mini-dv camera you can easily get a microphone that can attach from the camera to your clothing. Use make sure you can't see the wire that connects the mic and the camera during your video.

4. Have FUN! No one wants to see a sour face on camera. So make sure you are having fun and that you SMILE. The better you come across on camera the more people would want to buy your product or services.

5. Don't use big words in your video presentation. Keep it short sweet and simple.

6. Once you've finished your recording, watch it. Make sure it's what you want and something that you'll feel proud to have on your website.

7. Now get the clip to your computer. Your camera will have instructions on how to upload the footage. Now you can get fancy and use one of the high end video editing products. But those take a long time to learn. So if your on a PC use Windows MovieMaker and if your on a Mac use IMove and edit your clip to your licking. Don't use to make crazy effects keep it about you and your product.

8. Now once your clip is edited you need to output it to a web file. If your on a PC then output the file to a WMV. And if your on a MAC then output your clip to a .MOV file.

9. Upload it! If you don't have server space then use or You can easily upload your video to these services. Not only will you have the code to embed the file to your website but you will also allow others to see your video and your product who haven't been to your site yet. It will be as easy as CUT and PASTE to an HTML page.

10. Promote your video clip. Include links to your clip in your weekly newsletters. Send your clip to your friends, family, and business associates. Let them see the work you've done and ask them to pass it on to other friends. Son you'll notice that you have a ton of visitors watching your video and more traffic to your website.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns 


10 Income Streams You Can Add to Your Business to Sky-rocket Your Sales

In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more than one way to make money. For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are different streams of incomes. But that's just the beginning. Below are 10 ideas of different income sources you can use to increase your business's bottom line:

1. Sell a variety of services. Or you can bundle your services into packages depending on what your typical client is looking for. But be careful about this one. Don't spread yourself too thin. You want to offer a few different services or a choice of packages but you don't want too many options because it's very difficult to market yourself effectively.

2. Sell your own products. These can be information products (books, home study courses, CDs, special reports, etc.) or they can be physical products. You can also group similar products into product lines. Then you can upsell, downsell or cross-sell products to different customers on your list.

3. Sell other people's products (or services). Here's where you become an affiliate. Basically how it works is once you're approved to be an affiliate, you get your own link. Anytime someone uses that link and buys a product, you can a percentage of the sale. That percentage can be anywhere from 10 percent (mostly for services) to more than 50 percent.

Which leads me to my next tip:

4. Put together your own affiliate program. Now you can get other people to market your products and services, and the only time you pay them is when they actually sell something! How cool is that!

5. Create a teleclass, seminar, workshop or other event. This can be a one-time deal or a series of classes. (But if you do this, make sure you record it so you can sell those later.) The nice thing about this tip is it's a good blend. You can reach groups of people at one time while at the same time providing a personal touch.

6. License one of your programs or services. This is a neat idea if it works in your business. (For instance, a coach could license tools or a program to other coaches.) I don't know much about this one, but Suzanne Falter-Barnes sells a program that can teach you how to do it.

7. Create a paid membership site. Not only will you be getting regular income each month, but you'll also building your customer base -- people who are interested in purchasing your products and services. It's much easier to sell to people who are already customers than to find new ones. Plus people like being a part of a community, and becoming a member of something is a good way to do it.

8. Start a continuity program. This is similar to a membership site where you charge a monthly fee for a product or service. Maybe you create a paid newsletter subscription or you offer monthly coaching calls or you interview successful people. Whatever it is, it's something people find valuable enough to pay you a small, but regular, monthly fee.

9. Sell ads on your web site or e-zine or whatever. This one is probably not going to make you rich, but it could turn into a nice little income stream depending on how many people are looking at your e-zine or web site.

10. Use Adsense. This is when you allow Google to place its pay-per-click ads on your web site or blog. In return, every time someone clicks on one of those ads, Google will pay you a percentage. Pretty nifty program, huh? Anyhow, I do think this is one you have to be a little careful with. Most of the time I don't think people clicking away from your web site is a good thing (especially since they'll be going to one of your competitors). But there are times when this is very appropriate. For instance, maybe you've developed a web site or blog around a hobby. Or maybe you build a web site or blog for the express reason of selling Adsense. Once it's set up, you just ca^sh the checks.

Creativity Exercise -- Find time to create multiple income streams

Probably the hardest part of creating multiple income streams is finding the time, especially when your primary business is service-based. So, now that you know how important it is, how are you going to find the time to start doing it?

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

* Hire a virtual assistant (VA) or bookkeeper to take care of some tasks you have no business doing anyway.
* Create systems in your business so you can complete business tasks faster and more efficiently.
* Raise your prices so you can take on fewer clients and make more money.
* Dedicate a Saturday or Sunday to working on your business. (Be careful with this one as you could very quickly end up burning yourself out.)

Get a pen and paper and do some brainstorming to see how you can find more time to start creating more income streams.

Dealing With Those Tricky Customers

Internet marketing can be a cat and mouse game with you being the cat and the customer being a very wily mouse.  Internet denizens are a clever sort and if they see something on your web site, they will not hesitate to sign up for a membership and even agree to receive your promotional emails.  But those tricky customers have ways to dodging your email advertising so even though you think you are advertising to them, your messages are actually vanishing off the face of the earth.  So we have to be just as clever as well.

Knowing how customers think is a big part of being successful in your marketing plans.  Internet customers are just like customers in the old marketing model.  They are curious about promotions and they want to enjoy your give aways and dodge ongoing advertising.  The cat and mouse game is to get them to want your advertisements by attaching them to things they want and get them to give you their email addresses and even to add your email identification to their preferred contacts list so your marketing emails fly right through their spam filters. 

Much of what goes into web site design is making a web "place" that will draw customers to register for a "membership" or otherwise provide you with their real email address.  When you develop a system that is working with actual visitors on your web site, you can then build a mailing list that is of much greater value than any list of email addresses you might buy from a mass mailing email service.  Your email list is pure gold because it consists of real customers who actually had an interest in your web site and your product or service and who are likely to come back if your marketing is well done. Not only is that email contact list gold to you as a business, it is of great interest to other businesses in similar lines of business as you who will pay well to get their hands on that marketing email contacts list for the same reasons you value it.

However, those tricky customers of yours even have ways of stepping around your validation schemes and it all lies in the fact that anyone can set up as many email addresses online that they want.  You know from your personal use of email that you have one or two primary email accounts, probably with your ISP that go directly to your desktop email software such as Microsoft Outlook.  But most of us also set up two or three or many more other email accounts with services like HotMail, Yahoo and others.  Its easy to set up an account on these services to use for games or to register for contests.

Those alternate services are where tricky online customers can trap your emails and actually give you the impression that you are advertising to them when you are not.  A typical ploy by internet denizens is to send any incoming emails that are not personal or of immediate value to a yahoo, hotmail or other free email service.  The result is that even if you harvested their email address when they signed on for a service or became a member of your web site, your advertising emails are being "dumped" into these alternative email inboxes which the customer has no intention of keeping up with. 

The customer might check those email boxes every few weeks and just hit "delete all" on the inbox knowing that they don’t want to see any of  those emails.  And when they do that, there goes your advertising and you may never know what happened.

One way to try to bypass this problem is to make verification of email a part of the registration process.  In that way, the customer has to log onto that email box to see a verification email and hit a link in that email to validate that it is a valid email address.  But the final answer is to make your marketing emails so interesting and valuable to your customers that they don't want to "dump them" into a holding tank email because they want to see what you are going to send them.  And when you get to that level of relationship with a customer, you really do have a gold email list that will result in much higher sales for your online business.

Find out how to to make your fortune on-line selling an unlimited amount of digital information products visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now for more information.

10 Steps to Make the Most of Autoresponders

So you've worked hard in creating your website, regularly adding content to it, and building links and increasing search engine placements. The next step, that many overlook, is to capture your visitors by using an autoresponder.

Here's a scenario for you to consider. A visitor finds your site through one of the many ways that you have been carrying out to generate traffic, and finds just what they are looking for and is about to make a purchase. They are distracted while at their computer and leave the site.

Although the example above is hypothetical, the reality is that visitors may leave your site for a number of reasons without you making the most of your opportunity. That is unless you are using an autoresponder.

Capturing the email address of this visitor would have allowed you to contact them at a later date to potentially make the sale that you originally missed out on. Autoresponders are remarkable, flexible programs that do much more than just automatically answer your emails. I'll outline below a number of ideas that you can use to creatively and productively use your autoresponder to transform the casual visitor into a profitable customer.

1) Publish a newsletter.

High quality autoresponders will manage subscriptions and follow-up with those interested prospects that have signed up. This allows you to keep your autoresponder list updated about your products or services, and also build your reputation as an expert in your chosen business area.

2) Contact affiliates.

If you have an affiliate program you can easily contact your affiliates to inform them of any offers you may be running, or to provide them with promotional material that they can use to increase their commissions and your sales. You could provide any tips and advice that you feel would benefit your affiliates.

3) Promote advertising opportunities.

You may provide, or plan on providing advertising on your website, ezine or newsletter. You could setup your autoresponder to send out information about the cost of advertising, and how to find out more information. Of course you could also notify your list of any advertising discounts or offers that you may have.

4) Write reviews.

Write reviews on products and services that you found to be useful. Send this review out with your autoresponder along with your affiliate link to the product.

5) Provide email courses.

Provide valuable information in the form of email courses. These can be setup to send out each lesson at certain intervals. It is important not to solely provide a sales pitch but to provide quality content. You can then provide a paragraph at the end of the email course to entice the prospect to make a purchase of your product.

6) Distribute free reports.

Give your visitors a taste of the information that you provide, and the quality of your product and service. Again, do not make these out to be sales letters, or you stand to lose customers instead of gain.

7) Product tasters.

Provide your prospects samples of your product, whether it be an ebook, software, course, membership, etc. You can capture email addresses from your website this way, and follow-up to make the complete sale.

8) Provide hidden links to pages.

In exchange for a visitors email address, you could provide a link to an affiliate page containing promotional material. You can then gather a list of visitors that are interested in becoming your affiliates.

9) Order page autoresponder.

Provide a form on your order pages that allows visitors to be kept notified of special offers or discounts. This offers a great opportunity to create a mailing list that contains the names of people who are already your customers, and who are interested in any future products.

10) Distribute articles.

Allow visitors to sign up to your autoresponder in order to receive articles. There are many ezine publishers and webmasters looking for content, and this allows you to provide this content whilst including your bio and description of your service or product in a resource box.

Here I've provided ten examples of how autoresponders can be used creatively, but there are many more. Autoresponders are valuable to all internet marketers, and you should seriously consider using one if you do not already.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

10 Powerful Tips for the Newbie Internet Business Entrepreneur

For the newbie Internet business entrepreneur, here are the 10 most powerful unwritten rules that may well prevent you from 'skidding into the ditch'. Make a point of reading through them monthly and remain focused on the road ahead!

 First and foremost, Lets look at the advantages of creating and building an online income. Our place of work is open for business 24/7 so we can work when we want and for as long as we want. Many of our regular duties can be run on auto-pilot leaving us with more time for family, social and leisure activities. This situation offers a less stressful working environment, and to a certain extent we are in control of your own rewards. However, it is important to remember that there are few 'Get-Rich-Quick' schemes on the Internet. Look upon it in much the same way as you would if you were creating an offline business, which, in order to be sucessful, requires commitment and a positive attitude right from the offset, with scant reward in the early days.

 Whilst it is important to have your mindset focused on a full-time successful online business, it is useful, especially early in your Internet career, as part of the learning curve, to try out a few programs in your spare time. Get the feel of the Internet marketing arena and at the same time learn a little about HTML, Scripts, creating attractive images and even building your first website! This can all be achieved as a 'spare time' sctivity. Don't sack your boss till you have the confidence in your complete ability to earn regular income. There may be a lot to learn but, trust me, if you're focused, it will be worth the effort.

3.NEVER.. get involved in 'get paid to read email' sites, they are scams and you wont earn a penny, and they won't answer your emails of complaint! MLM too, or in fact any website telling you that your money will be doubled or trebled in a matter of days, or you will become rich overnight, are scams. Avoid them!! It's not difficult to find bona fide traders on the Internet. Look for offline contact points. An address or telephone number is a good sign they are genuine. Another good test is to send them an email before you sign up to see how efficiently they reply. Avoid the 'Get-Rich-Quick' schemes. They don't work!

Imagine you discovered a method of earning huge amounts of money on the Internet. Would you then offer to tell everyone about your 'secret formula'? I don't think so! You will no doubt come across those who will try to convince you they have found such a recipe, and no doubt offer to share it with you. Believe me it will cost you, not just financially but in wasted time too. Always shy away when you see the word 'Secrets', or see boasts of huge income!

5.Similarly, ask yourself this.. would a guy who says he's earning several million dollars a year, bother to write and market an eBook describing how he did it? I think not! Go with your first instincs, they are usually quite accurate!

6.Dont pay too much attention to images of earnings checks or bank statements purportedly demonstrating how much the account-holder has earned, It is a simple task to create whatever you want with a little creativity. The same goes for letters of recommendation or testimonials. Anyone can write them or get their collegues to do so! They may con some, but don't let it be you!

7.Think positive and stay focused at all times. If you were to take a close look at all the successful Internet marketers, who have made a great deal of money from their endeavours, you would find they have one thing in common! Dedication!! They are prepared to work hard and long to achieve their goals. They do not lose heart if everything doesnt come together today, and they are rarely influenced by the 'quick buck'. I cannot stress this point often enough to you...

8.Be organised! Keep all your business activities logged and documents filed in the correct folders. Check your email accounts at least daily and file the important ones. Dont be frightened to name a file or folder with a long name (within reason). You should be able to access any file, folder, software or email within 30 seconds. So much time can be saved with a tidy desktop!

9. Stick to the basic etiquette of Internet Marketing. Don't be tempted to send out high volume unsolicited email (spam). It won't be worth the hassle believe me! Read the Terms and conditions section when you join a program and if you decide to sign up.. then adhere to those terms. You will make useful contacts during your Internet campaigns. Try not to 'stand on toes'

10.Avoid leaving large amounts of funding in any online marketing or promotion website! Most websites have a strict policy on spamming and if you are ever accused (rightly or wrongly) of sending unsolicited emails, you are likely to have your account closed, which could result in you losing your funding too!

So that's it! Not a set of rules... more a collection of simple guidelines which, if applied, will serve to make your Internet Marketing experience a safer and more enjoyable journey!

Find out how to to make your fortune on-line selling an unlimited amount of digital information products visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now for more information.

10 Best Tips to Write Effective Emails

Nowadays, we communicate more and more through email. We use Email communication to write something to friends, relatives, colleagues or clients. Whoever the recipient of your email, it is becoming very important that you write email effectively.  As you know, by writing effective email, you can save your time, other person’s time and you can win more trust & confidence from the other end.

Give Reply of Email As soon as Possible

More and more people contact each other through email. Even if they mention directly or not, they expect prompt responses. One of the study by Jupiter Research indicates that 35% of customers expect a reply within six hours, an additional 55% expect a response within 24 hours. Though many people focus on response time, content is just as important. The same study indicated that lack of a thorough response (45%) will cause on-line customers to view a company negatively when considering future purchases.

Learn the art of writing Email

Poorly crafted emails will generate additional emails back & forth, which potentially eating up more of your time. Worse, they can drive unnecessary calls to your most costly channel – your phone. And at that point, customers are bound to be angry and frustrated.

Here are some tips for writing email responses that are both thorough and appropriate:

1. Format your response so that it’s easy to read on a screen. Do not write email using very long sentences, which are lengthy horizontally. Each line must be short. Ideally, write 5-6 words in each line only and not more than that.

2. Make sure the subject line is concise and meaningful to the recipient…not just a generic
             “Response from Marketing Team” But also be careful that it doesn’t look like spam.

3. Have one subject per paragraph. Mention this separately by blank lines, so that its easy to read and understand.

4. Be brief. Use as few words as possible to convey your message. More is not better when
              it comes to email. An email is not perceived as an electronic letter.

5. Use simple, declarative sentences. Write for a third or fourth grade audience,
             particularly if you’re creating templates that are sent automatically. You do not know the
             education level of your sender or the sender’s level of comfort with the English language.

6. Be sensitive to the tone of the original email. If the sender is upset because of an error on
             your part, acknowledge the error. Clearly state what you are doing to correct the situation.

7. Make sure you answer all the questions posed in the original inquiry. A partial answer
             frustrates the sender and results in additional contacts. It also makes the company sending
             the response look inept.

8. Make it clear what actions you will be taking next and when the writer can expect the
             next contact from you.

9. Don’t ask for an order number/case number or any old information which you remember out of your mind only when one is included in the original email…sounds pretty basic, but sometimes people miss very obvious info in email.

10. Don’t  just tell the sender to go to your web site. In many cases, they have already been to
the web site and couldn’t find the answers they were looking for. If you want them to go
             back to the web site, provide a direct link to the exact information the reader needs.
             For more information visit on:

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

6 Profitable Ways To Use Autoresponders

1. Offer an email course.

Write up a course or use your articles to create a course that you can offer to your visitors.

You'll be able to educate people about your product, and increase your sales by showing them the benefits they'll get from purchasing from you.

2. Send excerpts of your ebook.

Increase your sales by showing your visitors firsthand the valuable information you have to offer them.

Simply string together excerpts of several or maybe just one chapter of your ebook, and then offer your autoresponder series to your visitors.

If you have an affiliate program, increase your sales by making this autoresponder series (as well as any email course you offer) available to your affiliates.

3. Publish an ezine.

With broadcast capable autoresponders, you'll be able to double opt in all your new subscribers and send out your issues on the schedule you want.

Promote your ezine on your site, and submit it to ezine directories and ezine announcement lists.

If you write articles, you can also get more new subscribers by using your resource box to promote your ezine.

You can also promote your ezine in your signature file and get more new subscribers through your day to day emails and also from your posts to discussion lists and forums that you're a member of.

4. Offer a sample issue.

Make one of your best, current ezine issues available by autoresponder.

Then offer it on your site, and also, when you can, include it along with your other ezine information when you submit your ezine to ezine directories.

5. Publish an article announcement list.

Get more ezine publishers and webmasters to publish your articles on a regular basis by creating a list that announces when you've written a new article or articles.

You'll be able to keep in touch with people that enjoy your writing, helping you to get your articles published more often and increase traffic to your site.

6. Make a training course available to your affiliates.

Offer a generic email training course that your affiliates can use to learn how to successfully promote your products and earn commissions.

Your affiliates will have a handy resource that they can print out and go back to again and again, and you'll be able to increase your profits by helping your affiliates get started on the right track.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List

We've all heard it that in order to stay in business online you need to build a Targeted 'Opt-In' list.

Well... I truly have to agree with that simply because this is where you'll always have a consistent source of FREE Targeted traffic(also referred to as 'Sticky Traffic') to promote your offers or related information to for years to come.

It just makes sense, wouldn't you say?

And, we all know that 'Email' is where the $MONEY$ is truly made when it comes to marketing your business online because it gives You the ability to Follow-Up your potential customers until they decide to buy from You.

But, the problem that usually takes place is that people don't know where to start when it comes to building there own targeted Opt-In list.

Now, for those of you that are new Internet marketing and don't know what a 'Opt-In' list is, here's a quick definition:

An 'Opt-In' list is simply a database of peoples Names and Email Addresses that have subscribed to an email list via a web form giving that list owner permission to send them periodic emails on the topic they are interested in.

Notice how I said, "giving that list owner permission to send them email".

When they subscribe to your Opt-In list they are giving You permission to send them offers or related information on the topic they are interested in, this is known as 'Permission Email Marketing'.

This is the ABSOLUTE safest form of email marketing where You won't get accused of 'SPAM'.

This is very important that You understand this from the beginning.

So, now that you have a clear idea in your mind of what an Opt-In list is and how it will benefit You and your business, I guess it's time to share with you the simple 'Ten Step Process' that I have put together for you on How-To build your own targeted Opt-In list that you can email your offers to at any given time for $Profit$.

Step #1. Pick your Target market or Niche.

This is a very important step because this is where you need to figure out who your target market is going to be for the Product or Service your going to offer.

So, for example, if I was interested in selling a book related to Internet Marketing, well then, my target market would be Internet Marketing related.

Step #2. Can your Target market or Niche be reach online?

This step is where you need to do a little research on whether or not your particular target market can be reached online.

In order to do this you need to do some keyword research using keywords related to your target market.

You can do this by using the Overture keyword research tool located at the URL I've provided below.

Simply type in the keywords related to your target market in the form provided.

This will give you a detailed history of how many searches have been made in the last 30 days on the keywords related to your target market.

As a general rule, if your targeted keywords aren't pulling in 15,000 or more searches per month, then this is a market I wouldn't pursue simply because there isn't much demand for it.

Step #3. Are they making money in this Niche?

This is where you need to do some research on your competition to see if people are spending any money in this Niche.

You can do this by going to Google at and type in your targeted keywords related to your Niche in the form provided.

This will give you a list of search results.

Those results are your competition, but even more important, to the right you'll notice little ads.

These are paid ads offered through Google Adwords.

This means that somebody is willing to pay to advertise and is paying attention to this particular Niche and must be making money if they're willing to pay for advertising.

That's good news for you.

Step #4. Use Forums to find your Target markets problems.

Forums are a great place to find out exactly what your potential customers TOP problems are by simply scanning there posts and looking for the most common threads.

By doing this you'll be able to know right away what your target markets TOP problems are and how you can help solve there problem.

To find Forums related to your Niche simply visit Google and type in your targeted keywords with '+ forums' after your keyword.(ex. internet marketing + forums)

Step #5. What's keeping them from getting what they want?

This is where you have to figure out whats keeping them from getting what they want in order to fix the problems they are dealing with, meaning, this is where you need to work with them to find a solution to there problems.

Whether its a Product they need or a Service of some sort.

Step #6. What can you offer them to solve there problems?

This is where the money is being spent.

Now, the only thing you need in order to receive your share of the revenue is a Product or Service that will solve your potential customers problem.

If you don't have a Product or Service of your own don't get discouraged.

I'm going to give you two resources where you can find products or services that You can become an affiliate for that are related to any Niche that will pay you a commission for every sale you make by simply referring your traffic to there website.

The two websites to visit are and

Step #7. Set-Up a simple direct response mini-site.

Here is where you Set-Up your lead generating website with a Follow-Up System that your potential customers will come to and Opt-In to your list to start receiving offers or related information on the topic or problem they are having.

This is a very simple process to do and you can view my website as an example of how one would look.

If you don't know how to build your own website you can always hire someone to do it for you by going to...

Step #8. Get an Auto-Responder account.

This is where you'll be laying the foundation down for your list.

You MUST have an Auto-Responder account Set-Up before you make your mini-site go live because this is where your potential customers are going to come and submit there Name and Email Address so that you can start building a list to send your offers or related information to.

So, do not miss this important step.

Step #9. You need to figure out what 'Bait' to use.

What I mean by 'Bait' is... what are you going to offer them for FREE to get them to subscribe to your Opt-In list.

Here are some examples of what you can use as 'Bait': ebooks, special reports, mini-courses, coupons, etc.

These are the most common. It really depends on who you are targeting, so be creative.

Step #10. Reach out to your target market.

This is the part where you send traffic to your website in order to get subscribers.

I'm going to mention only two methods.

These methods are the most POWERFUL and for good reason, they work.

The first method is Writing Articles.

By Writing Articles your showing your target market that You are someone who knows how to help solve there problem and may have a possible solution for them.

This is the quickest way to build INSTANT credibility in your Niche.

The second method is to send targeted traffic to your mini-site through Pay-Per-Click search engines.

Pay-Per-Click search engines are where you bid on the keywords terms related to your target market and are listed according to the highest bid for that keyword term.

By using PPC search engines, it will get you infront of your target market Instantly.

Writing articles gives you INSTANT credibility and will put you infront of thousands of readers, and Pay-Per-Click search engines send you HIGHLY targeted traffic to your website within minutes depending on which PPC search engine you are using.

The More traffic you send to your website, the More subscribers you'll receive.

It's simply a numbers game.

Well... there you have it, "10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List".

Now... it's up to you to take the neccessary Action in order to get started with your own targeted Opt-In list.

If you already have an existing web business online simply implement the steps outlined above to your existing website.

These are the 10 basic steps required in order to get your Opt-In listing building started in the Right direction.

Simply follow them and you'll be on your way to receiving your first subscriber in No Time.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

3 Reasons Why You Should Love Unsubscribers

If you are like most new marketers you just dread logging into your autoresponder and seeing that you have lost list members due to them unsubscribing. Well I am here to tell you three good reasons to look forward to getting unsubscribes.

The first is that you are actually using your list. The only way that I have ever seen to not get an unsubscribe is to never send an email. If you are not going to use the list why go to the time and effort to build it. So congratulate your self when you get the unsubscribe because you are actually using your list.

The second thing is that someone is opening your email. To unsubscribe they had to at least open the email and click the unsubscribe link. The good thing is that your headline worked and got them to open your email. Now if you are using dishonest headlines, (You have won, your account status, and other headlines along those lines) this is not a good thing and you are reaping what you have sown. If you are using a solid headline that matches your email and it gets opened this is a good thing. Your headline is doing its job.

The third good reason to be glad to get unsubscribes has to do with personality. Now here is a shocker (said with sarcasm dripping from the keyboard) Not everyone is going to like you or your writing style. Those that don't will unsubscribe. The good thing though is that if they don't care for your style you will never build a relationship with them. If you can't build a relationship with them they will most likely never buy from you. So each unsubscribe will make your list more targeted to people who actually like your style and are more likely to respond favorably to your offers that meet their needs.

So now you have three good reasons to no longer dread seeing that people have decided to unsubscribe from your list. Rejoice in the fact that you are actually making your list stronger and more profitable for you in the longer run.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

6 Eye Grabbing Subject Lines

Your subject lines plays a crucial role in any email campaign ads whether you're using safelists, autoresponders, ezine solo ads or any opt-in list where email is involved. Your subject line will make or break your return on your investment so make sure you get their attention first.

Here are six headlines that have worked for me in the past which I'm sure will work for you too.  The technology will always change but peoples desire to succeed and curiousity will not.

1. Promote Your URL Here - Free!

For whatever reasons, I've had so much success using this subject line when promoting free classified sites, safelists, and those viral ad boards.

2. Hi, My name is Paul

This works simply because it raises prospects curiosity. I'm always a sucker for this subject line. Who's this Paul anyway? I've had succeess with this using ezine solo ads.

3. I need your help, please?

There's something about being a human, always wanting to help another human being, It's hard to explain, it just works.

4. Bob, I haven't received your shipping address yet.

What! my shipping address? why do you need my shipping address for. This particular subject line really piqued my interest. If you are sending post cards to your members or prospects, this will improve your sales especially if you personalize it.

5. How my site got listed #1 on Google, for free!

This one made several sales from Trafficswarm traffic exchange program when I was promoting an affiliate program about search engine e-book. Even made more sales with ezine solo ads using the same subject line.

6. Paul, Please accept my sincerest apology.

When I saw this subject line from an email, my first reaction was, "who/why/what are you sorry about?...huh?" Exactly it got my attention and my curiosity.  The sender was apologizing for not sending that email sooner which was about a new traffic exchange program. Good grief.

In conclusion, make your subject line so compelling that it's almost irresistible for your prospects not to open the email message.  If you can hypnotize your readers with cleaver subject lines, you are half way to making a sale. Also when  people can recognize where that email message came from, that will help getting your email message open as well. Don't use fake names, use your real name instead.

Of course, I am not recommending that you use any of these headlines if they are not true in relation to the content of the e-mail message. If you rely on deception in e-mail marketing, all you will do  istarnish your reputation
and your credibility.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

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