Friday 11 March 2016

Using Fault Tolerant Keywords to Build Your Business

Building a business online takes a lot more than a little bit of luck to make it profitable. In fact, if you are relying on luck alone to build your business you are probably not going many places just yet. There are no rules that state you can't make your own luck in the world of Internet marketing though and one way to do that is by profiting from fault tolerant keywords.

 What are fault tolerant keywords, you ask? These are keywords that are spelled incorrectly according to common misspellings. You will need to devote some time and effort to finding the misspelled keywords and phrases that get enough traffic to be profitable for you.

Proper research can give you a good indication as to whether or not the keywords you are considering get enough traffic for the potential of profit. Transposing, or switching letter order is a common spelling error that is made. You will still need to do your research in order to find the words that are profitable. While the most common errors are those that are related to transposing “i” and “e” though there are quite a few other common transposition errors.

By using these spellings on your website or as part of your search engine optimization and article marketing efforts you can help those who have made these common mistakes find the products, services, and information you are looking for. If you are not sure where to begin, think of the mistakes you commonly make when typing. How often have you typed “teh” instead of “the” or “adn” instead of “and”? Do your keywords contain these words? If so, consider researching how often the misspelled search terms come up in an average daily search. You may be surprised by the results.

More importantly, you may be able to bring in a nice tidy profit because you were able to think outside the box a little bit in your Internet marketing and keyword research efforts. The point is, there is a market for your products and services that isn't being properly marketed to. Taking a little extra time to optimize your website for these keywords and phrases in addition to the correctly spelled versions of these words and phrases can make a huge difference to your bottom line. More importantly, it can help you build a base of loyal customers whose needs aren't being met elsewhere.

This is particularly important if you are selling products or marketing a service that needs to be renewed or has many complementary services and products to go along with it. Make sure that anyone looking for what you have to offer—even those who spell it incorrectly, have the ability to find your website and you will be able to corner a highly under served market. This means greater profit potential for you, more traffic, and the ability to create loyal and lasting customers.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

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