Wednesday 2 March 2016

Why are Keywords so Important?

Keywords and phrases are the words and combinations of words used by Internet surfers when searching for information on any particular subject.

They can also be used to provide an overall indication of what an article or document discusses. Choosing the correct keyword phrases can be the difference between the high volume traffic you desire and your web site becoming a virtual ghost town.

 If your goal is better search engine ranking, it is an absolute must that you master the art of selecting the right keywords to bring in traffic. Search engines rank your page according to the keywords that are included in the text on your web page.

 Choosing the right keywords can mean a world of difference in your search engine ranking. The better your ranking is the more likely it will be that you receive traffic from those who are looking for what you have to offer.

Choosing proper keywords for your site may be the most important SEO (search engine optimization) work you can do and is essential to all SEO efforts. Before you make any decisions about the content on your web page you need to decide which keywords you wish to target. Not only do you need to have very specific and well defined keywords for your web pages but it is also vital that you choose keywords that are targeted to your audience as well as those that are searched often or you risk being the top of the rankings list and still getting little or no traffic from the search engines.

 Keywords are also important because they allow you to define your target audience. What this means is that by selecting the right keywords you can attract buyers to your site that are looking for what you have to offer rather than those who are just window shopping or looking for something completely unrelated to your product.

Targeted traffic is the Holy Grail in Internet marketing because it maximizes your effort and profit potential. Be sure to use those keywords liberally throughout your web page, article headings, sub headings, and the title of your web page itself.

You should also consider targeting a few choice keywords on your web page that are related to one another so that the search engines have more than one term to identify. It is important to understand the importance of keywords in building your web page. If you don't properly understand the importance of keywords you will have a difficult time building a profitable website.

You can avoid a great deal of the learning curve that many beginning, and even intermediate, Internet marketers struggle with by mastering the art of keyword selection early on in your Internet marketing efforts. You should also avoid over-saturation of keywords or keyword stuffing as these can harm your SEO efforts more than help them. Also remember to have the keywords spaced out within your content rather than bunched together to look as though you are “stuffing” your content with keywords.

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