Friday 11 March 2016

The Best Kept Secret of Email Marketers

A popular way for companies to communicate directly with consumers today is to use email. Email serves a variety of functions including sales promotions and being a means of education about products and services. Messages also can include branding with logos and/ or tag lines, and they can offer direct response tools like reply links, emails, telephone and fax numbers.

Basic email message writing comes across much better with skill that can be learned. Main focus should be placed on the tone of speech and grammatical language in the body of the message.  Here are some points which should be remembered for writing the email.

The subject line should be exciting, making the reader want to open the mail and read the further text.

Keep the subject line brief.

Make sure to include details about the sender to comply with spamming laws. Check spamcop or other “anti-spam” sites in your favorite search engine for more info.

Develop the body of the email; i.e. the message, with a good introduction followed by well-described paragraphs.

Avoid hype and misleading readers.

Use your email spelling and grammar check tools. And don’t “shout” or use all capital letters.

Practice and read emails that come your way. Learn to write messages that you’d like to receive and improve your communications.

When you create email messages to send, do like the Boy Scouts and “Be Prepared.” Prepare with a small arsenal of marketing tools to use in advance as follows.

Marketing Tools

Folder – create a folder on your computer & in print form for “email marketing” and keep ideas you have for future campaigns there. Save favorite emails there you get from others, too, as inspiration. You can use these as templates to create your own unique messages.

Headlines – Start a Microsoft Word or text document where you list favorite headlines and ideas for future headlines.

PS – People like to head straight to this area first, many gurus say.  So Create a document in your email marketing folder with favorite “PS” remarks; special sales, freebies, etc.

Guarantee – Ditto with guarantees. Which guarantees are listed on items you’ve purchased recently? Use these as starters. They attracted you!

Reference Guides – Keep handy reference sites like or favorite encyclopedias book marked in a special Favorites folder on your computer. Keep print editions available nearby, too!

With the right bunch of marketing tools gathered ahead, you can “Be Prepared.” Start gathering your arsenal for great email marketing campaigns.

The main way to communicate effectively via email is to target the right audience with your message. This largely depends upon what you are trying to sell and to whom you are trying to sell.

Email writing should hopefully have one or more affects on the readers.  Recipients should feel the satisfaction of reading the message and want to continue reading, like in further messages you send later. And / or they should want to follow up directly for more information or to purchase.  For this the writer must imply some techniques for making the writing more effective.

Basic Outline - Begin with a basic outline; an opening sentence that leads into your opening paragraph. Then discuss no more than 3 main points. And end with a close and invitation to purchase, visit a website for more information, instructions to sign up for a freebie or other direct response.

Eye-Friendly - People see a lot during each day. So make your message clear and make it stand out. Keep sentences short & to the point. And use bullets and headings.

So avoid as many negative responses as possible when readers get your email messages. Instead of readers asking to unsubscribe from further messages and / or delete the ones you’ve sent, practice effective skills in your communications.

Learn how to to make your fortune on-line and successfully run your digital marketing campaigns  visit WWW.HARRISONKENYON.COM now

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