Tuesday 19 January 2016

10 Best Free Writing Resources Online

1.  http://www.dailywritingtips.com/ - If you're a pro member of the Daily Writing Tips, you'll receive tips on grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary directly on your email inbox along with the daily exercise. You can also read numerous articles about writing.
2.  http://writeitsideways.com/ - The website is owned by Suzannah Windsor Freeman, a writer and an accredited teacher. Write It Sideways can help improve your skills, develop your writing goals and prepare for publication. She also shares some of the highs and lows of her own writing life.
3.  http://www.writingforward.com/ - Writing forward is a creative writing blog packed with tips and ideas that will inspire and inform your writing projects. You'll find posts on grammar, good writing habits and practices, plus tons of writing prompts and exercises to keep your pen moving. Their mission is to share helpful and inspiring creative writing tips to benefit the greater writing community and to advocate on behalf of all writers and artists.
4.  http://thewritelife.com/ - The write help writers create, connect and earn. They're also offering voices from throughout the community, featuring contributors who specialize in ebook promotion, blogging, finding an agent, and more.
5.  http://www.myfictionwriting.com/ - Fiction Writing is a Canadian online magazine. It was launched in early 2012 to help writers with their writing. The blog focuses on writing online and for monetary purposes. 
6.  http://writetodone.com/ - Write to Done is about learning to write better. Whether you write non-fiction , novels, blog posts, or sales pages - you'll find inspiration and tips in this website. WTD can help you learn new skills, practice them, and become a better writer.
7.  http://www.writersdigest.com/ - Is the one-stop shop for information, resources and writing community. Writers can connect with other writers in their forum, visit blogs and sign up for their weekly e-newsletter. You'll also find weekly writing prompts, contests and competitions, conference listings, and online exclusive articles.
8.  http://www.firstwriter.com/ - the website's mission is, quite simply, to help you get published. Whether you're an aspiring writer or an established professional, they aim to provide you with the tools you need to find placements for your writing quickly, accurately, and with minimum cost.
9.  http://www.writerstreasure.com/ - A blog that was originally formed by just one simple idea: to help others improve their creative writing efforts. Now, the website is dedicated not only to discuss creative writing in its many forms such as fiction writing, creative non-fiction, grammar, style, etc but also to discuss writing of other kinds, such as web writing, technical writing, academic writing, copywriting etc.
10.           http://www.writing.com/ - Is a premier online community for writers of all interests and skill levels. They're providing an extremely creative environment for authors, offering writing tips, hundreds of unique tools and opportunities for creation and inspiration.

1.  10 Writing Tips For Bloggers - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/blog-writing-tips/
6.  The Most Important Writing Tip the Late Elmore Leonard Ever Gave - http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2013/08/elmore-leonard-dead-writing-tips-87
7.  Valuable Writing Tips by Rhonda Jackson Joseph - http://blog.widbook.com/valuable-writing-tips-by-rhonda-jackson-joseph/
8.  Just a Day at the Office: Writing Tips and Tricks - http://www.writeonwendy.com/just-a-day-at-the-office-writing-tips-and-tricks/
10.           How To Write Blog Posts Your Readers Actually Want To Read - http://todaymade.com/blog/better-blogging/

1.  8 Writing Tips From Screenwriting Masters Larry Gross, Naomi Foner, Henry Bean and Andrea Arnold - http://www.indiewire.com/article/8-writing-tips-from-screenwriting-masters
5.  Amazing Tips For Writing Powerful And Attractive Articles - http://ezinearticles.com/?Amazing-Tips-For-Writing-Powerful-And-Attractive-Articles!&id=7656232
6.  The Best Writing Tips From William Faulkner - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/25/faulkner-writing_n_3984603.html
7.  10 Tips for Writing Better Online Marketing Content - http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/228677
9.  Content Writing Tips to Retain Positions on Search Engines - http://goarticles.com/article/Content-Writing-Tips-to-Retain-Positions-on-Search-Engines/7696116/
10.           Tips to Effectively Use Web Content Writing Services for your Business - http://www.amazines.com/Writing/article_detail.cfm/6024080?articleid=6024080
1.  http://youtu.be/GgkRoYPLhts - 5 Tips to Improve your Writing
2.  http://youtu.be/_f5IFRKstVg - Unusual Writing Tips
3.  http://youtu.be/FHEAmAyMdG0 - 7 Tips to Improve Your Writing!
4.  http://youtu.be/t8p8VBKylNE - Writing Tips for Fiction Writers
5.  http://youtu.be/dr-rItl-xYg - Writing Tips: Academic vs Creative Writing
6.  http://youtu.be/r5loEiv82PU - Writing Tips: Short Stories
7.  http://youtu.be/-46jsqDw39M - Writing Tips: What is Good Writing?
8.  http://youtu.be/22G1wkl9i_E - Writing Tips 5 Simple Ways To Electrify Your Writing
9.  http://youtu.be/Pfj_05UE2CM - Creative Writing - How I Improved My Writing Skills
10.           http://youtu.be/4CGSeui_k38 - Jeffery Deaver's Writing Tips

1.  Amazon Affiliate Program (Writing tips from Authors) - https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/
2.  Lulu Affiliate Program (Easy Writing Tips for Everyone) - http://www.lulu.com/promos/affiliate-program
3.  Ready Steady Write eBook Affiliate Program - http://thewordqueen.com/affiliates/
4.  Writing Rituals Affiliate Program - http://www.writingrituals.com/affiliate_signup.html
5.  Practical Report Writing System Affiliate Program - http://www.practical-report-writing.com/affiliates.htm
6.  Awaionline Affiliate Program (Bob Bly's Ultimate Guide to E-Book Writing Success) - http://www.awaionline.com/affiliates/
7.  Barnes & Noble Affiliate Program (The Beginner's Guide to Writing for Pay) - http://affiliates.barnesandnoble.com/
8.  Novel Writing Made Easy Affiliate Program - http://www.novelwritingmadeeasy.com/affiliate-program.html
9.  Writer Income Affiliate Program (25 Ways to Write For Money) - http://www.writerincome.com/affiliates/
10.           Writer's Helper Affiliate Program (Get Your Writing Fighting Fit) - http://www.writershelper.com/ebook-affiliate-program.html

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