Monday 25 January 2016

Creating a Great First Impression on Social Media

Today it is important for all business owners to have some type of presence on social media. This includes using sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. What is important to remember is that each time you post content you are effectively advertising your business. So pay attention to what you write.

Try to keep your personal and your businesses separate on these sites. On Facebook you can create a Business Fan Page and on Google+ these are just called Pages. Your goal of using social media is to create awareness and brand yourself and your company.

It is vital that you brand yourself in the same manner across any social media sites that you choose to use. Use the same profile picture, add your business logo and use the same user name. This way when someone visits one of your pages they will instantly recognize you. They unconsciously associate your company with your logo or by your user name.

Social media is widely used and you can potentially reach new customer and clients each day. Keep this in mind and always conduct business so that you are always creating a good first impression.
Another thing about sites such as Facebook is that allows people to leave real time reviews and comments on your business page. You may get unfavorable comments or comments that make you angry. If this happens don’t immediately start creating a negative post back as this does not look professional.

Instead what you want to do is to take the time to evaluate the comment and then think about the best way to proceed. If you respond immediately with insults you are portraying yourself as angry and abusive and this can stop people from doing business with you.

The best course of action is to contact the person and get all of the details and then respond appropriately in a professional manner. Other users on the site will see that you responded with courtesy and this helps improve your branding. 

While yes you can go back and edit posts once your post is live it could be seen by lots of people almost immediately. Don’t let any situation get out of hand in the first place.

When posting content on any social media sites remember it is a reflection of you. One good tip is to ask yourself if you would mind if your grandmother reads the post, if not, don’t post it.

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