Thursday 28 January 2016

The Top Benefits of Repurposing Your Content

Are there really any true benefits to repurposing your content or is it just a lot of hard work that will produce no results? This is actually what many marketers think today, that repurposing content is too hard. They might as well just keep buying or writing new material. By reading this article today, you are going to understand the concept of repurposing in a different light.

The basics of repurposing are to take a piece of content and reshape it into something new. You can then take this new piece of content and use it in various ways. Once you see how to do this you will find that you can quickly create new content on the fly.

When we talk about repurposing content we don’t intend that you go out and rewrite reports and articles. What we want to show you is that you can take an existing report and create a new product out of it. This method does take time but it has its benefits.

The top benefits of repurposing content include:
1.    Not constantly writing new content yourself
2.    Not continually buying new content from others
3.    Decreasing your research time
4.    Saving you money
5.    Freeing up your time

Let’s look at how you can use a current report and reuse it several times over.
If this is a report which you have written or own the rights to you could easily turn it into a published, printed book! Or you could record the entire book as a MP3 audio file and sell it or give it away to your customers.

Now if you don’t want to use the report as is then you can start taking the report apart. The easiest way to do this is chapter by chapter. Each chapter represents a new article, short report or blog post.
Then take each chapter and turn it into a slide presentation. This can be easily done using Microsoft PowerPoint or Open Office software. From here you can turn your slides into a ready to upload to YouTube video.

Maybe you need some content for your email messages. Then slice and dice your report up into smaller sections. Each section becomes an email message for your mailing list. Load them into your autoresponder account and you can easily have content for 6 months to a year!

You can easily see how much time and money and frustration this can save you. What content are you going to repurpose today?

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