Monday 18 January 2016

Why Learning the Art of Persuasion is a Good Thing

Have you ever been the subject of persuasion? You know the time when you ended up buying something that you never intended to. You only bought it because it made sense to. If so, then you have just experienced the power of persuasion.

The word persuasion means to change someone’s mind, behavior, attitude and intentions by the use of communication skills. This is an extremely powerful tool that can result in huge gains in both your business and your personal life.  This is why you should take the time to learn the art of persuasion.
A good communicator will have the ability to persuade people to do a number of things. 

You can easily change a person’s view point on a subject and skilled sales people can get anyone to buy something that they never intended to. Of course there are plenty of bad or pushy sales people around to day. But those that learn this art are skilled and can easily convince you without you realizing what they are up to.

When it comes to your personal life learning the art of persuasion can actually make you have more confidence and self esteem. You will be able to nail any job interview and get the job of your dreams. You will be seen by your friends, family and co-workers as a bright star that always seems to attract attention wherever you go.

Once you have your dream job your new skills will enable you to outperform others. If your dream job is sales related then learning persuasion techniques is definitely an advantage to have.

You will learn how to sell softly and how to sell the benefits and features of a product or service. You will not be known as one of those pushy or manipulative sales reps. Advertising agencies are masters of persuasions and this can be seen in advertisements that you see around you every day.

One thing that you want to remember whilst learning this art is that you should always stay true to yourself. Don’t misrepresent yourself, your products or your services and don’t blow facts out of the water.
 By being honest you will earn a fantastic reputation that you can put down to getting because of your persuasive skills. Learning the art of persuasion is a very good thing when used in the right way.

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