Tuesday 19 January 2016

Creating Your Business Systems

   Let's take a look at how you can easily create systems and processes to systemize your business. One thing to keep in mind is that there is no one size fits all when it comes to business systemization. Instead you have to work on creating ones that suit your own business and the methods you use.

 Creating manuals Having manuals for each area of your business can really help you stay productive. If you have an instruction manual for a particular machine, when a new person takes over, they can quickly get up to speed.  Start this process now by getting staff members to document all the steps needed to perform a certain task. Once complete, test this out by having someone new see if they can complete the task by following the manual. Fine tune it until this process works.

  Using Tools and Services If you find yourself wearing too many hats and running out of time in your business, you are in serious need of some help. Try looking for tools that can help you free up your time and ultimately increase your profits.  Any type of repetitive task can be automated. Are you still sending out emails by hand? Why not use an autoresponder service to help you with this?

If you spend an hour a day posting messages to your social pages then use a tool that can help you automate this. Hootsuite is a good example. You can easily use these tools to send out messages for weeks at a time. You spend time setting it up once a month and then don't have to bother with it again.

Another idea is to hire the help of a virtual assistant. They can easily take over repetitive tasks for you. They could learn how to answer your customer service emails. They could post your content to your Facebook business page for you and more.  Yes, it does take time to train them, but once you have done this step you are freeing up a good chunk of your time. This is a perfect example of
having an operations manual. You would simply give it to your new assistant and they will be trained in no time at all.  Hopefully by now you are beginning to see that systemizing your business isn't as difficult as you may have thought. Start by systemizing one area and go from there. Before you know it you will have more time and energy to direct towards more important areas of your business.

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