Saturday 23 January 2016

Should You Reuse Your Content Over and Over Again?

One question that I often get asked is about reusing the same content over and over again. My readers want to know if this is actually a good method to use or are they going to run into issues with the search engines? 

When I show people how to reuse content I am not telling them to simply publish the same article or blog post to different directories or sites. What I am showing them is how to change up the content so that it looks different and then use this.

People are concerned about getting penalized for duplicate content. When repurposing an article you are not duplicating it. Plus this applies to having the same content on the same website multiple times. 

Reusing your content means changing the format to a certain degree. A good example of this is to take one article and use it in various ways. To start with you can just post the article to your main website. You could then dissect the article and take the main points and create new posts for your social accounts.

Other ways to repurpose the same article include using it as a free gift when you send out emails. Or you could use the actual content to create autoresponder messages. How about taking it a step further and condensing a few sentences into Tweets for your Twitter account?

Are you beginning to see the picture now?

If you have been working online for a while now and have lots of old material, why not bring it back to life? You could do this by setting up an ecourse, using the material for a coaching program. Or you could base a membership site around your content.

You really do have numerous ways that you could easily repurpose content and create some new income from it. Why start from scratch each time you want to create a new short report or a blog post? Take a look at the material that you have on your computer and turn it into something new.
When was the last time you posted a video to your blog? Turn any of your popular blog posts into a video by making use of Power Point and Windows Movie maker.

If you are feeling lost when it comes to consistently creating new content why not try some of these repurposing tips that you have learned today?

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