Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to Create a Good First Impression by Implementing a Follow up System

Leads are a source of income for any business owner whether you run a traditional offline business or are web based. Do you have a system in place where you can reconnect with potential customers and past buyers? Or do you just expect that they will return to your store or website for no reason at all?

Many years ago customers were more loyal to local businesses and they would return to buy products all the time. Today’s buyers are more cost consciousness and are looking for deals and special offers. They will automatically go somewhere that gives them the best value for their money.

This is not to say that you cannot attract loyal buyers today, it is just a little more difficult than it used to be.

Using Coupons & Discounts to Attract Buyers
One way to get people to become repeat buyers is by offering them a special discount or coupon. Plus this is an excellent way to attract new customers and create a good first impression.

There are several ways to offer coupons and discounts but one thing you need to have in place is a way to get your customers email address. For an offline business you could simply ask for their email when they make a purchase and quickly add it to your data base. But this could become time consuming and making customers wait in line is not a good thing.

Another idea is to have a flyer with details of how they can subscribe to your list to get special discounts. They take the flyer home and then subscribe, this method can work on your business cards as well.

People can be a little wary of giving out their email address so by giving them something in return you are increasing their confidence in you. Who doesn't like to get a deal on their next purchase?

Building Your Database
There are many fancy and expensive ways to build your database of customers. An easier and more affordable option is to subscribe to an autoresponder service. The service actually mails out the messages which you create to all of your customers. This method can even be set up in advance so virtually becomes hands free.

Your customers subscribe by filling out a Sign Up box on a web page and are immediately placed onto your mailing list.

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