Sunday 24 January 2016

The Importance of First Impressions for Your Offline Business

Any good business owner will understand the importance of why creating great first impressions are important. Your goal is to consistently attract new customers and clients to your business and to make connections with other local business owners.

While this does not sound that complicated there are a few pointers that sometimes get overlooked. Let’s take a look at a couple of them.

Store Front Appearance

This applies to many types of local businesses including regular stores, dental offices, professional buildings and real estate offices. The appearance of your building goes a long way in creating a first impression either good or bad.

If the parking lot is always covered in trash or is never kept clean of snow in winter it can be a deterrent for customers. You could be losing customers because there is no where to park or because the area looks cluttered and dirty. Would you do business there?

It is possible to clean some areas yourself even if you have an agreement with your landlord. This includes making sure the trash cans are emptied and that your entrance way is free from clutter. If you share a parking lot with other business owners, get together and see if you can share the cost of getting seasonal maintenance done.

Clean, Sparkling Windows

People enjoy window shopping and you have probably done this yourself countless times. Do you sneak a peek through a window before deciding if you want to go inside or not?
This is exactly why you need to clean your windows regularly! When you allow people to see inside they are more likely to enter. If your windows are dirty and covered in bird stains their first impression will be that your store is dirty inside!

Remember too that you can entice people inside your store by using some promotional items in your window. This could be using QR codes and having them scan to get a free sample of one of your products. Restaurants can have one of their menus in the window and other store owners could place products on display.

While many people think that a first impression occurs when you meet someone, this isn’t actually true. For a business owner it is your brick and mortar business that will speak volumes first! This is exactly why you need to work on making this as inviting as possible.

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Harrison Kenyon Marketing

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