Thursday 28 January 2016

Pinterest for Offline Businesses

An offline business can benefit from Pinterest as well. This is a particularly great way to introduce the concept of marketing on line to a business owner. Why not show them a free way they can get added exposure for their business.

If your business model includes catering to offline clients, you can try the following out on Pinterest. 
Set up a few boards featuring local stores, restaurants, sporting events and places of interest to visit. Showcase them and include details of where they are located and what their hours are. You can essentially be giving local businesses some free exposure while branding yourself.

You could feature local restaurants on one board and stores on another. Then add descriptions about what you like best about them etc. If your goal is to help these businesses create an online appearance, what better place to start? You can show them what can be done with a site like Pinterest for free.

A restaurant could easily post images of their menus, dishes and even their friendly staff!  You might want to make a few informational videos for them as well. If you can get these images and videos repinned, the business owner is sure to be impressed. What customer wouldn’t like to see the inside of a restaurant? The images and videos you could post are almost limitless.

Even businesses such as doctors, dentist offices and physiotherapists could offer images of the machines they use as well as what their offices look like inside.

Each image could include a short description along with some contact information. In the same theme you could create your own coupons and special offers and pin them to a board. This could be a great way to get your content distributed all over the place quickly.

If you create websites for clients, don’t forget to add plenty of images as well, along with a Pin This badge. Having new images on a regular basis provides the readers with lots of sharing options.
An offline business can easily share images of new products or services as they become available. The whole idea is to be creative and original with your content.  Pinterest is still considered a new social media site so it really is in the interest of your offline clients to start using it as soon as possible.

Pinterest offers you a way to show your clients what you can do for them as opposed to just telling them. Why not start with some free offers and see if this doesn’t generate some new clients for you?

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