Saturday 23 January 2016

Quick Ideas for Reusing Your Content

Do the words “reusing your content” have you running for the hills? You envision having to do a ton of work to reuse your material and think that it would be easier just to write new content from scratch? Well I am here to tell you otherwise and by the end of this article you will be embracing and not running from those words!

Reusing your content doesn’t always require you to rewrite everything from scratch, and it doesn’t mean plopping your content into an article spinner either! What it does entail is making good use of your material by changing the format or by adding additional material to it.
Let’s take a look at a few ways you can achieve this.

Maybe you have just released a new product. Why not take one of your articles and use it to form a press release out of it? You are simply going to take the highlights and the main points and turn them into an announcement. A good press release does not have to be that long, it should be written in an active voice and be a newsworthy event. If you do this effectively you could attract lots of media attention for your business.

Stumped with what to post to your business page on Facebook or Google+? Chop up one or two related articles and post snippets each day. Use the scheduling feature on Facebook to post content out for days or weeks at a time. Talk about saving time!

Have you been asked to write a guest post or would like to go down this road? When writing a guest post you normally need to come up with original content. There is no reason why you cannot take some of your published material and turn it into an informative guest post. This requires no additional research just the time to quickly rewrite existing content into a new article.

Looking for content for sites like Pinterest and Instagram? Then use some of the graphics that you already have and turn them into banners, infographics and more. You can also take the main points from one of your articles and turn it into a Mind Map and post that online.

Hopefully you are seeing just how easy it can be to repurpose your content without a lot of extra hard work.

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