Saturday 16 January 2016

How to Market Your Info Product

Now that you have your info product created the next is knowing how to market it. After all, your goal is to sell it as many times as possible, right? Use the tips in this article to help you do just that.
Your first goal is to attract potential buyers to your product. This means that you need to put some thought into how you are going to present, not just your product, but yourself as well.

Allow your personality to shine through in your marketing efforts. People love to learn from a friendly and approachable person. They also love to get value for their money along, with something for free!

Use this concept to market and promote your information products. Get potential buyers into your sales funnel by offering them something for free. All that you are asking for is their email address at this point.

As soon as someone gives you their email they are placed onto your mailing list. This allows you to send them more relevant information and tips along with the link to your product.
Now, your free offer needs to be good and offer real value. This way you are setting them up to naturally want to know and learn more. With the end result of them purchasing your main info product.

Using free offers is a great way to build a relationship with your subscribers. They will get to know, like and trust you and this sets the stage for them to become a customer.

Your free offer could be the first chapter of your actual product, or it could be a sample video. Make it tempting so they will opt-in and download it.

Then continue to send them more free information. You can send them links to blog posts, other newsletters, videos or newsworthy items. Get into the habit of asking for questions. This often brings some wonderful responses from people. Plus you can take these questions and base a new product around them.

After you have send out your first few messages you can start mentioning your info product and 
linking to it. Over time people will begin to purchase it.

Other ways to market your info product include using social media sites, writing blog posts about it and more. You can also create your own videos where you talk about the benefits and features of the product. Take any questions you are asked and make a video response.

By doing all of the above things regularly you will find that you make more and more sales. The next time you release a new product you already have a list of eager buyers waiting to snap it up.

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